You can't honestly claim to have a linear idea or how a species evolved over time with a 99.9% incomplete fossil record. .1% of species that have existed have ever been fossilized. This fact alone shows the theory of evolution is baseless presumptuous garbage. "How else do you explain it?" is not an argument. There are countless plausible explanations. Believing the first plausible idea you hear or the only one you can think of to automatically be true is extremely hubris and midwit-tier reasoning. >Scientists just outside Chicago have found that the mass of a sub-atomic particle is not what it should be. >The measurement is the first conclusive experimental result that is at odds with one of the most important and successful theories of modern physics. >The team has found that the particle, known as a W boson, is more massive than the theories predicted. >The result has been described as "shocking" by Prof David Toback, who is the project co-spokesperson. >The discovery could lead to the development of a new, more complete theory of how the Universe works. >"If the results are verified by other experiments, the world is going to look different." he told BBC News. "There has to be a paradigm shift. The hope is that maybe this result is going to be the one that breaks the dam.
It costs me about $400 per credit hour so about 1200 for most classes. Most of my teachers can't speak english at the level of a native, half of them are phd students who have never taught before. The other small amount who can speak engligh well and are actual teachers have classes packed to the brim with about 100-120 students. I had to buy 3rd party software to do my math class for the homework, Which also means my teacher saves time not having to grade. When I have a question he literally tells me to go to the organic chem tutor guy on youtube. Half of my classes have nothing to do with my major. As far as I can tell my school spends next to nothing on my education. Why is it all so shit
Sometimes I have to use badly written code from some tranny freak. Inevitably it calls on a retarded tidyverse package that asks me if I want to update 40 other packages. I can't imagine this shit ever maintaining any compatibility across versions, and of course it doesn't work when I try.
I finally found out today that this retard is designing packages to accommodate the special needs of imbecile data scientists. All of those dumb cross linked packages with a single function? The weird, alien syntax? I can't believe code can get worse than from the bindis coded the those Boeings to crash, but then BAM the trannyfag data scientists show up with their tidyverse code.
Fuck Hadley Wickham and the trannyverse. The only thing good to come out of NZ was the House of Gord (RIP)
Fuck data scientists, who can't seem to do either data or science
I have no IRL friends
I have shed online friends over time as I've viewed myself above them in various ways, I don't know if I really am but I know I found that anything the ingroup used to feel superior was generally very thin. I introduced the concept of rising above this and it was not understood. What the fuck? I just want to be the best. I don't think I am, or deserve to be, I intend to seek out whatever is best and imitate it. It seems others are doing something else?