Thought it would be fun to share our experiences about the enlightened scientific community. For reference I'm a white dude in Canada.
>be undergrad research assistant in plant physiology lab. >everyone in lab grew up in Canada, except for Iranian girl and Chinese guy (postdoc). >Iranian girl is chill >Chinese guy is not. >he continuously rags on the Canadian-born people about how they are lazy >"How you get so little work done" >Other MSc and PhD students get comparable amount of work done, are just more efficient. >Chinese guy resents this. >starts calling the cute thesis student girl a "white slut", at multiple points just slapping her ass in the middle of the lab. >nobody can do shit because our supervisor is turbo-autism and this guy is the most senior in lab. >
Later, working for a startup... >company has about 180 people >QC department has like 5, and almost 50% of work done by one black woman. >super smart, super eloquent, very hardworking >was literally 5th employee at the company, set up all testing equipment and authored most of relevant QC SOPs. >held back from promotion to supervisor or manager by boomer VP of quality. >one day the QC manager quits >company refuses to promote black girl and gaslights her although she is by far the most qualified. >they hire 50ish year-old Indian guy. >he treats black girl like shit consistently, old Indian boomer type stuff. >layoffs occur due to COVID, and black girl is only one to be let go from QC department. >one month later Indian manager hires 2 Indian dudes. Now QC lab is 80% Indian. >QC department sucks now, ultra slow and unorganized.
And now I just recently started a job and a pharmaceutical company... >Orientation >company is HQ'd in India. >herewegoagain.jpeg >getting tour of place, probably 70% Asians and Indians, rest are white. >actually nice people >remember that this factory is right next to most racially diverse city in Canada >not a single black person
The captcha on 8ghan is the single most challenging IQ test on the internet today. Rothschild was too low IQ to make the cut to post on 8ghan so now the reeeeeetard is reeeeeeeing about it on Twitter and shit talking 8ghan like the jealous brainlet cuck that he is.
Anyone else here high IQ enough to beat it?
I was just reading about Herbert Hoover, the only STEMchad president, on wikipedia and saw >Hoover was a member of the inaugural "Pioneer Class" of Stanford University, entering in 1891 despite failing all the entrance exams except mathematics
The wikitrannies cleverly left out the part about all the other parts of the entrance exam being gay. Hoover went on to be a massively successful mining engineer before engineer control of the Republican party for himself. The categories in the 1891 Stanford entrance exams were mathematics, poetry, ballet, embroidery and floristry.
I'm being criminally harassed by YouTubers and sex workers online.
The police can't help me. The harassers spy on me through the camera
and microphone of my tablet, laptop, cellphone and Alexa device. I did
weird sexual things online and I made enemies with some YouTubers.
The YouTubers tracked my IP address as I watched disturbing
fetish videos online. The YouTuber Hank Green posted embarrassing
audio recordings of me online taken from my cell phone's microphone
while I was doing roll play masturbation. I begged and moaned
and the recording went viral on the dark web. I'm an internet celebrity pig.
Can someone please help me track down my masturbation recordings?
I also want to talk to some internet knowledgeable people to learn about hacking
and to share information about exploitative features of the YouTube
algorithm. The YouTube algorithm makes you think you are talking to
celebrities in order to keep you engaged. Dua Lipa has no interest in me.