Threads by latest replies - Page 132

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Why is Neptune experiencing climate change?

No.14396099 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.14397536 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should teaching students how to bound the error of a partial sum be an essential part of the high school math curriculum? It could help eliminate misconceptions like "to calculate an infinite sum you keep adding the terms forever."
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(5 replies)

artificial wombs

No.14397527 ViewReplyOriginalReport
hi, does anyone knows about some place where i can learn about artificial wombs, i have some female eggs that i want to hatch in order to ,after some years , sell the organs individually .
tks in advance.
(11 replies)
No.14393930 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the race/religion of most of the people that own the funding of western scientific journals and research tink tanks and western colleges?

I need some citation and can't BS this.
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No.14397280 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, why do people like listening to stories? What makes human brains attracted to certain characters, plots etc?
(6 replies)
No.14393839 ViewReplyOriginalReport
finished this book
done every problems

am I a set theorist yet?
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(5 replies)
No.14395797 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Genius is consistency accomplished of mere above-average IQ. Autism is unrealistic and so are "Greats of All Time." Unless you are some sort of retard there is absolutely no reason why you can't do a STEM degree.
(7 replies)
No.14395925 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are there any other science proven studying methods like Picrelated?
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(22 replies)
No.14391071 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gamma rays travel with the speed of light. Could there be a distant event, maybe lightyears away, of devastating energy enough to instantly pulverize anything on its path and we wouldn't know it before it arrives?
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(61 replies)

Are dog people mentally ill?

No.14391236 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
come on now. Dogs can't even take care of themselves, are ultra dependent and need attention. They are loud big and the lions share of breeds are ugly as shit. It's like the inverse exactly, of what cats are.
And all it is is an intrusion on peace.

ONly puppies have a cute look to them, for maybe 5 months. Cats stay cute. Every single dog person having to look after their dog is worse off for it, and they don't seem to understand, so are they literally retarded?
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