Threads by latest replies - Page 127

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General Chemistry Textbook Recommendation

No.14396116 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any recommendations for a good introductory textbook on general chemistry that is held in high regard? Thank you
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(18 replies)
No.14399187 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I applied to 6 phd programs and only 1 (the backup) accepted me. Seriously, any advice on how to cope?
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(11 replies)
No.14395858 ViewReplyOriginalReport
finitist bros..
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No.14398615 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Could God solve the halting problem?
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(350 replies)

/mg/ - maths general

No.14369607 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Formerly >>14350423

Off-topic garbage OP edition.

Talk maths.
345 posts and 46 images omitted
(6 replies)

How does the LHC collide protons?

No.14399185 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The LHC generates an electric field which strips electrons off hydrogen atoms (fine, I accept this, even though I thought it was supposed to be a vacuum...)

Taking this as accurate, how does the LHC detach the protons from the nucleus of atoms?
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(5 replies)

Two covid questions

No.14399239 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>the vaccine only stops serious illness related with covid, it does not stop community spread, nor does it provide a sterilizing inoculation effect
>young healthy people are not at risk of dying to covid( see picrel)

1. Why do young healthy people need to expose themselves to a novel medical intervention over a virus that isn't a threat to them?

2. Covid only kills the obese, the immunotards, and the geriatrics already on deaths door. Considering this why didn't we just let covid run its course? Imagine the golden age we could have had if we killed all those people and they stopped being a drain on the health care systems. Imagine how affordable housing could become.
(23 replies)
No.14397071 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How far are we from having holograms we can interact with like pic related?
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No.14395726 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are groups good for you?
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(12 replies)

Animal brains

No.14394420 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Where can I find diagrams of the brains and neurons of different birds? Like pic related but more extensive? For uh, science....
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