Threads by latest replies - Page 126

(34 replies)
No.14397526 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I convince the public that I'm not a schizo? Is it how I speak? What about me conveys that message? Why do you think I'm a schizophrenic and how do I prevent myself from giving people that impression in the future?
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No.14397444 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do they do it bros?
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(21 replies)

You should be able to solve this...

No.14396630 ViewReplyOriginalReport
(...but let's be real you're all dumb as shit)

Start with a set of at least two positive integers (repetition allowed). At each step remove two integers and replace them with their gcd and lcm. Prove that for any set of integers and any sequence of steps the set of numbers eventually stops changing.
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(9 replies)
No.14399396 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you assume god exists then why does he exist?

An interpretation I have is that humans and all forms of life with their interesting decisions are very good entertainment. Even you on this mongolian jingoism board are looking at other people and generally do so all the time. This observation element would also imply partial free will because what fun is there in observing something predetermined. I'm curious as to your thoughts with this posit
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does density create gravity?

No.14398362 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.14397755 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I understand that you are basically taking the time derivative of the expected position function but that has nothing to do with an actual velocity wtf??? What does it mean to take a time derivative of an expected position of a of a particle in wave of probability that doesn't have a time component!?!?!?
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(21 replies)

5'1" (155 cm) with size 15 (eu 50) feet

No.14397607 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm a 5'1" guy with size 15 wide feet and my doctor has said I must have some of the biggest feet for my height he's ever seen. I'm just wondering if there would be any medical reason behind this or if this is as rare as he thinks it is? Thanks.
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bedwetting medicine = better memory?

No.14398558 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(26 replies)
No.14393592 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I know if I'm truly learning or just memorizing material?
21 posts omitted