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Anonymous (20 replies)
>math nerd sits on a desk with a pen and paper doing his gay little math
>I get MATLAB or Ansys to solve literally anything I want
>>14399702 Mathematicians are tools for engineers to use.
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>>14397764 >MATLAB When I had to use MATLAB as part of my labwork I unironically wanted to kill myself, hated that shitty syntax and functionality bloat. Managed to persuade my supervisor to let me use Python instead. Thank Allah
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>>14400158 >Mathematicians >are tools >for engineers Based department call.jpg
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>>14397777 Calculus is just an approximation
Anonymous (5 replies)
Touching my penis doesn't feel pleasurable anymore, I don't feel pleasure and there's no precum, no climax, orgasming is just reaching a point where I pee a little bit of sperm with a sense of heat attached to it. Scientifically what happened? I'm intact and my gland never has touched anything outside my foreskin. Is it depression? The prostate? The balls?
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>>14400385 it finally figured out youve been tricking it
only solution is real sex with a real other human
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>>14400385 why are you touching your penis in the first place?
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OP should give TEDtalk about it
Anonymous (5 replies)
best companies for internships?
pic rel is what i've landed
Beauty care seems to be high priority for you.
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>>14400368 tbch i had other opportunities at bigger corporations like nasa and pfizer but for what i wanted to do (chemistry, environmentally related) i found henkel's offer to be a good fit.
i was just glad the application process was over and that i finally heard back positively from a company
Anonymous (335 replies)
But why would an expert on GPS oppose relativity so vehemently?
/sci/ told me GPS was incontrovertible experimental evidence for special relativity. That GPS works because of special relativity and that it was settled science. I wanted to mogg the antiscience chuds gps style so I started doing some research for myself but now I'm not so sure anymore...
I'm lost. Should I trust the experts on this one? Tell me what to think.
>>14400338 I didn't. Show me a single experiment that has shown angels.
>>14400336 Anonymous
>>14400344 All experiments show angels. What are you talking about?
>>14397595 Anonymous
>>14400348 >All experiments show angels Then why can't you show any of them do?
>>14397840 Anonymous
>>14400356 >Then why can't you show any of them do? Any experiment will do.
>>14398570 Anonymous
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>>14400361 The only one you described didn't, so it's clearly not "any." Why did you lie?
I had no problem giving you multiple experiments that confirm relativity. Why are you not able to give me any?
Anonymous (6 replies)
My life is full of scepticism and cynicism and I feel that if nothing changes in it Ill get myself killed.
Only YOU are in control of what you spend your time doing. This applies to what YOU choose to think about. Remember, YOU are in control of YOUR own destiny.
>>14400253 this sounds like a quote out of a random self help book you found at an airport
>>14400260 How would you know? Do you read self help books at air ports??!??
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>>14400278 no, but my sister does. She showed me one of those books and they are insufferable. For reference she unironically has the ''love, live, laugh'' sign in her living room
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>>14400253 >>14400260 It sounds like thinly veiled stoicism but then again, that's what 90% of self help books are; just dumbed down and usually with a layer of macho bullshit to make the supressed faggot in you feel better.
>>14400245 Read some philosophy. Find something that makes intrigues you. Scepticism is good but checked scepticism leads to depression,. From personal experience I can understand that it's difficult to not be sceptic of everything, it's the nature of your being.
The only thing that I've found to alleviate it is reading philosophy. It takes your mind off things and gives you something to think about. even if you think it's dumb or not true. I find it feeds to sceptic in you and sometimes even offers a new perspective on things.
Anonymous (7 replies)
are there any scientifically proven stress management and relaxation techniques?
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Breath deeply, in through the nose, slowly. out. through. the... mouth
1, in, 2 out
3, in 4 out...
Start over at 10 Anonymous
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deep breathing find a partner then do hugs, kisses, cuddling and fuck i guess you can try meditation too
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>>14397710 Yes, it's called sleep. You might have heard of it.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Solve and show your work.
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200 divided by 7 is 28.57142857142857 X & Y = 28.57142857142857
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isnt this basic calculus 1 optimization? kys faggot
Anonymous (5 replies)
whats your favorite system of paraconsistent logic, /sci/?
Anonymous (10 replies)
Let be biparte graph with P(A) = NP, and let be a truth assignment such that is 'false' for some . We construct a circuit of size , where Then is 'true' iff for some with n vertices, where . From the theorem on a graph, we have . So, it takes at most time to decide if is a vector. In other words, (see, for instance, Theorem 3.1.5 in .)
We now claim that the bipartite graph, whose adjacency matrix has as its submatrix, is the complement of a 3-regular graph:
As we have seen, for the proof to go through, we need to show . This is an immediate consequence of our construction of . For if we consider, (where . Therefore, , which is true, as required. QED
>>14396226 What the fuck is this
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>>14399311 Too bad latex's broken. Now we will never know.
It's not OP's fault tho. This website doesn't work.
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nice matrix OP
Anonymous (8 replies)
How does the brain read and generate electrical signals as thoughts? What makes electrical signal combo XYZ conjure up an image of a dog but electrical signal ABC lead to one pondering the nature of existence?
I don’t get it. How is abstract thought physically possible?
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>>14399275 So basically, no one knows
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>>14399246 How does a computer generate images with a bunch of 1's and 0's? What makes a combination of XYZ code into something decipherable, understandable, complex, or used to understand and calculate other data?
I don't get it, how is any abstract computation possible?
>How does a computer generate images with a bunch of 1's and 0's? Why do these subhuman, 90 IQ animals come here to post, and why are they so smug about being inferior life forms with no coherent thoughts?
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>>14399246 All that neurons do is modulate sensory signals to produce motor output which makes your muscle fibers contract. For instance, the visual input from reading your post has produced the motor output of me typing this post (it's actually a continuous dance between sensory input and motor out put, initiated by the initial input of reading your post). Neuroscience doesn't have a clue how this relates to conscious perception.
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>>14400131 >Implying I don't believe in God >implying my questions are attempting to lead one to pointless reductionism and monism as an answer instead of establishing further questions >implying I'm not trying to get people into theosophy and eventually towards the light >implying the materialist have any leg to stand on when they merely push the problem of consciousness unto the material and thus the whole universe >implying you aren't a humongous faggot for just assuming shit