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No.14397764 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>math nerd sits on a desk with a pen and paper doing his gay little math
>I get MATLAB or Ansys to solve literally anything I want
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No.14400385 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Touching my penis doesn't feel pleasurable anymore, I don't feel pleasure and there's no precum, no climax, orgasming is just reaching a point where I pee a little bit of sperm with a sense of heat attached to it. Scientifically what happened? I'm intact and my gland never has touched anything outside my foreskin. Is it depression? The prostate? The balls?
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No.14400323 ViewReplyOriginalReport
best companies for internships?
pic rel is what i've landed
(335 replies)
No.14371924 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
But why would an expert on GPS oppose relativity so vehemently?

/sci/ told me GPS was incontrovertible experimental evidence for special relativity. That GPS works because of special relativity and that it was settled science. I wanted to mogg the antiscience chuds gps style so I started doing some research for myself but now I'm not so sure anymore...

I'm lost. Should I trust the experts on this one? Tell me what to think.
330 posts and 23 images omitted
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How do I stop question everyone and everything ?

No.14400245 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My life is full of scepticism and cynicism and I feel that if nothing changes in it Ill get myself killed.
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No.14397710 ViewReplyOriginalReport
are there any scientifically proven stress management and relaxation techniques?
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No.14396226 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let be biparte graph with P(A) = NP, and let be a truth assignment such that is 'false' for some . We construct a circuit of size , where Then is 'true' iff for some with n vertices, where . From the theorem on a graph, we have . So, it takes at most time to decide if is a vector. In other words, (see, for instance, Theorem 3.1.5 in .)

We now claim that the bipartite graph, whose adjacency matrix has as its submatrix, is the complement of a 3-regular graph:

As we have seen, for the proof to go through, we need to show . This is an immediate consequence of our construction of . For if we consider, (where . Therefore, , which is true, as required. QED
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No.14399246 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How does the brain read and generate electrical signals as thoughts? What makes electrical signal combo XYZ conjure up an image of a dog but electrical signal ABC lead to one pondering the nature of existence?
I don’t get it. How is abstract thought physically possible?
3 posts omitted