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(138 replies)

i can't believe it

No.14394923 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
i'm getting filtered by logical implication

i simply do not understand how if a premise is false and the conclusion is true, that means the premise implies the conclusion (meaning p-> q is true). Even worse, if there is a false premise and a false conclusion, how is it that the premise imply the conclusion???
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(9 replies)

Prayer works

No.14401718 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This morning I was feeling pretty rotten. I felt a constant internal struggle with my soul. It felt like it kept being pulled out of my body into darkness. I get these feelings, I have no idea what its called, but I keep repeating to myself, I want to be a girl, I want to be a girl, I want to die, I want to kill myself, I hate myself, I want to be a girl. It was mental anguish, and it wouldn't stop. I wanted to scream.
I felt hopeless, so I turned to God in my last resort. I asked God, "please Lord, I hate feeling like this, please help me", and poof, all the mental anguish was gone. My head cleared up, and I stopped thinking about killing myself.
I still daydream about wanting to be a girl, but all the pain I was going through was gone.

Praying actually worked, how does science explain that?
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(29 replies)
No.14400703 ViewReplyOriginalReport
~(p ^ q) <-> ~p v ~q
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(14 replies)
No.14398257 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are there actually Harvard students who don’t know what WWW stands for? Or that the skin is our largest organ?
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The Discovery of Vagina Spider

No.14397447 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Greetings to all whom I'll enlighten about the notion of Vagina Spiders: Vagina spiders are in some ways similar to STDs known as crabs. The only difference between vagina spiders and crabs is vagina spiders make webs in the vagina; this can be detrimental when having sexual intercourse. This is all because vagina spiders are very territorial creatures; vagina spiders will bite the penis and can infect the penis. Now, the best way to get rid of vagina spiders is to clean the vagina and apply a lotion inside the vagina; be sure to get rid of the webbing you find within the vagina. Wait for 24 hours before having sex with your partner.
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(15 replies)
No.14398084 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who actually reads academic journals regularly? And how do they get them? Do scientists get a subscription from whatever institution they work for and read it once a month for their job or something looking for specific things? Do professors read them?
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(21 replies)

Just a pile of stats on the USAs death count

No.14395929 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>300k americans die from obesity each year
>480k from smoking ordinary cigarettes alone
>5.8k from gout caused by failing kidneys
>36k from car accidents
>20k from opioid overdoses
>251k from a poorly funded and corrupt medical system in the form of accidents
>14k are murdered
>660k die from heart disease
>137k die from strokes
>45.8k die from suicides
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(176 replies)

Penrose vs. Peterson

No.14395500 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So mathematician, physicist and Nobel laureat Sir Roger Penrose got together with the internet's father figure Kermit the frog to discuss consciousness, determinism, black holes and more.

What's the verdict? Who IQ-mogged who?
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(5 replies)

2020 Census Data vs 2020 ACHS Data

No.14400738 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone taken a look at the Census macro Data for 2020 and compared it the American Household Community Survey macro Data? I started looking at it out of curiosity, and I noticed that the overall population count between the two was off by about 5 million people. I have noticed other disagreements particularly in the ethnicity sections, but on the whole it appears to be that there are large disagreements between the data statistics of both. Does anybody have an explanation for this? My inclination is think that at least one of the underlying data sets is grossly inaccurate, but I'm not sure which. Pic tangentially related.
(19 replies)
No.14398896 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It didn't make a sound.
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