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(8 replies)
No.14400657 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me, at college
>teacher gives us radioactive material to do Rutherford's experiment
I kept thinking all the time during the experiment that I should have swallowed it. What would have happened if I did? My teacher said it wasn't too radioactive, just a little, so maybe I would have survived it?
I regret not doing it, it would have been a great story to tell to my future grandkids.
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(37 replies)

You CAN'T solve the pollution problem

No.14399816 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you guys want an industrialized, consumerist society with >7 billion humans, there is no way for that to be kept without polluting the earth.
Wanna know why? Second law of thermodynamics: the total entropy of a system either increases or remains constant in any spontaneous process; it never decreases.
You think that we humans can undo entropy by making fine machinery? Wrong! For every machine (computers, for instance) we make there is a greater amount of chaos introduced into the planet than what we undid.
The more energy we consume, the more entropy there will be. That's basic thermodynamics. So unless we change our lifestyles to something more minimalistic, entropy in the earth will continue to rise.
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(20 replies)

How does lead effect adults?

No.14400621 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(58 replies)
No.14394979 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Should I study petroleum engineering in university?
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Redpill me on cloning

No.14399871 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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this one weird moon trick

No.14396692 ViewReplyOriginalReport
For this trick, it's best to catch the quarter moon. Next one will be April 23rd 8am. Try to catch the quarter moon (picrel) when it's maybe an hour before dusk. Now, the light hemisphere of the moon should be facing directly toward the sun. But you'll notice, it doesn't. You can't make them line up. You'll start to notice that no matter when, the light side almost never lines up with the sun.

I am not a schitzo or a flat earther. Yes I have searched for an explanation, but like with most odd questions, you get a bunch of amateur astronomers all with slightly different answers. I'm just stuck with the intuition that the light half should line up with the sun.

In before "The light you see on the moon only reflects where the sun 'was' 8 minutes ago"
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(13 replies)
No.14399085 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /sci/! /toy/ here.

I've been trying to research ways to chemically cast polystyrene from old sprues, as buying and maintaining an injection molding machine is out of my budget. Dissolving polystyrene in chemicals such as acetone to create sprue glue is commonly known, but it ends up creating nasty bubbles as the acetone evaporates.

I want to know if there are other substances or techniques that can be used to dissolve plastic and cast it into a "nice" form.
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(5 replies)
No.14402560 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What work/research activities do pro mathematicians engage in the most in order to get the resources to fund their purely abstract/theoretical pursuits?
(5 replies)

Simple Equation...?

No.14400708 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I try to figure out the equation of time for example a vessel in "storm", while I know the Total Distance, Distance in "storm", and "storm" Additional Resistance Coefficient.

Any suggestions?
(30 replies)
No.14399192 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do you think dark matter actually is, sci?
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