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No.14404471 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>[Colorized] J. Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein, 1947
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Launching cannisters of my sperm into space

No.14401868 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If I make it to 90 years of age in spite of my alcoholism I'm hoping that launch velocity solutions will be economically viable for any dying man who liquidates his assets in the years leading to death. To this end, I would like to launch cannisters of my sperm into space. I know most of them will fall into a star, but given enough launches some of them would surely land on a planet. We don't know how life begins, but what if my sperm could be the final ingredient required by a primordial soup somewhere out there? What better legacy could one have than to seed an entire planet of Jizzians billions of years in the future purely by cumming into space cannisters rather than giving your wealth to your children on a dying planet?
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What the fuck is a sonic boom

No.14404014 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I can understand what a shockwave is as it’s the resultant wave created from the extreme amount of interference created when an object is travelling at the speed of sound, but what the fuck is a sonic boom?

If the velocity and hence frequency and wave length of the sound wave is kept constant shouldn’t the boom just be as loud as an ordinary shockwave or am I missing something?
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No.14404833 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this the average /sci/ user?
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No.14396700 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the point of these bullshit ultra radioactive artificial elements that only last 1 gorillionth of a second or whatever. Do they even do anything?
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No.14404792 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is Mathematics? Is Mathematics beautiful? What makes it beautiful? Is Mathematics powerful?
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/sfg/ - Space Flight General: Surveyor 3 Edition

No.14401214 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous: >>14398335

Launched on April 17th 1967, and the first beyond LEO probe to have been visited by humans
656 posts and 104 images omitted
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Is the Aerial Telegraph real?

No.14403514 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is machine to human telemetry possible? It seems to work very well for the space shuttle. Could a similar design be used to communicate with the human mind?
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CPR With Two People

No.14403705 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just learned that the goal of CPR is not to restart the heart, but to maintain the flow of oxygen throughout the body. The heart may be stopped, but you could still maintain bloodflow through pumping their chest. The question I have is whether or not two people could perform CPR to the same person at once. One person would be pumping the chest, and the other person would be blowing fresh air into the mouth.
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No.14399480 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Are Homo sapiens and Neanderthals the same species?
64 posts and 15 images omitted