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(82 replies)
No.14395478 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I have been told that I dont understand odds

I have been participating in a random drawing where every week one person out of about 2000 is chosen as the winner .
I assume that the first week , my odds of winning are one in 2000.
Easy enough right ?
But if I compete two weeks in a row with the same one in two thousand chance, is not my odds of winning one in one thousand since I done it twice?
If I play every week for a whole year are not my odds about one in thirty eight?
My coworkers are saying im retarded
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No.14404155 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If all A is B, all B is D, and all C is B, then evaluate whether the following statements are false (F) or true (T):

>all A is C, but not all C is A.
>all A is D and all C is D.
>some A is C and all D is B.
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(115 replies)
No.14397570 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is this true? Has anyone here had covid? If so, how much did it lower your IQ?
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(42 replies)
No.14402679 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What can science do about the tranny suicide epidemic?
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No.14400503 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Tidally locks your planet.
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No.14399762 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is /sci smart enough to solve this?
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No.14402509 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I never wash my meat, fruits, vegetables or any other produce. I've been eating it this way for years and I've never fallen sick.

Isn't the health risks that people claim just fearmongering?
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(7 replies)
No.14402961 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What causes people to become so detached from reality? I will admit that the passion of schizos like this is almost admirable.
“ The Parascientific Compendium v0.88”
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