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Natural ways of reversing glenoid bone loss?

No.14405573 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Due to a couple of trauma induced shoulder dislocations, I have apparently glenoid bone loss which can be repaired surgically through a procedure known as the latarjet procedure. I'm wondering if there is any way that the glenoid bone lost due to atrophy can be naturally and holistically regained? Like is there absolutely no healing mechanism for this?
(120 replies)
No.14397190 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The complete lack of concern by leading mathematicians about the utter state of foundations of mathematics is very weird to me. Do they just not care that their whole structure could crumble at any moment? Do they just not care that what they're saying doesn't mean anything? Do you know of any leading mathematicians who seriously address the major foundational questions without merely repeating same false cliches like everything is ultimately built on assumptions and thus all assumptions are equally valid, or like saying because of Godel one need not worry about undecidability or some other nonsense like that?
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(335 replies)

Real numbers

No.14383479 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is your favorite way of explaining
>what the real numbers are
>what arithmetic operations (+,-,*,/) on real numbers are
>what infinite decimal notation means
>how real numbers relate to real-world lengths, times, volumes, and masses

Do you prefer axioms or explicit models? If axioms, what version of the completeness axiom do you like, and do you prefer to make Archimedes' Property a separate axiom or a consequence of completeness? If models, which model is the most intuitive? Do you prefer constructive reals or classical reals, and if constructive, which kind? Which operations do you prefer to define in terms of other operations, and which do you prefer to simply list axioms for? Do you think epsilon-N limits are the best way to define infinite decimals, or do you think another definition like the ones based on supremums or nested intervals is better? How would you explain to someone why 0.999... = 1? Should 0^0 be defined as 1? Do you think real numbers are schizophrenic infinitist nonsense, not even redeemable by Bishop's work on constructive analysis? How do you justify applying theorems about the mathematical abstraction that is real numbers to real world quantities?
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No.14404486 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If current notions of how the past has a starting point is true, then how can we be so sure that there isn't an ending point as well? How can the past be finite and the future infinite when the only thing we can rationalize is what has already happened instead of what will happen? Is infinity real, or is it just an idea that humans have which cannot be disproven?
(24 replies)
No.14404610 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think I have heart issues.
Any of you have any idea what condition this could be, if it is anything?
>non-painful heartburn that has been getting more frequent in recent years
>on rare occasions get light-headed and have vision blacking out when getting up very quickly after physical effort or taking a shower, not enough to knock me out but need to stop and hold
>chest muscle stings after masturbation
>recurring feeling of being out of breath
>heart beat was regular at last checkup
>age 21, normal weight, physically active for last 2 years
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(34 replies)
No.14401088 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I probably ("probably" because I have no way to confirm that, only some hope) synthesized 4-aminophenol, and now I need to make it more similar to picrelated. If I dump a bunch of sodium sulfite into mix of ethanol and ~40% sulfuric acid and heat this shit, will diethyl sulfate form? Then, if I started with equimolar amounts of sulfuric acid and ethanol, after I add 4-aminophenol, will it ethylate?
Also, requesting how to ethylate paraphnilenediamine. I want to get N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine
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No.14396466 ViewReplyOriginalReport
i am forgotten
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No.14403797 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, what is it /sci/?
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No.14405025 ViewReplyOriginalReport
religion bros... we lost
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No.14404354 ViewReplyOriginalReport
if you were very high intelligent species, wouldn't you want to spread your technology and UFO crafts that are using anti gravity and material duplication technologies and unknown materials to other species that are still working on finding it?

the goal then would be to give every species the universe upper limit tech and work together as a whole universe and crack the meaning of the universe itself.

i mean its as simple as if you come across a problem and can't go further without solving it, you simply tell others about the problem too to get through it, no?

thats why they are flying these alien ufo crafts into our planet for us to level up faster and start dealing with the real problems they are dealing with.
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