Threads by latest replies - Page 108

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No.14386499 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Has this debate ever been settled?
314 posts and 13 images omitted
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No.14405717 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bacteria is part of the human body
It is vital for the function of the human body
There is no living human who is devoid of bacteria
"gut bacteria" is already acknowledged by the scientific community and soon all bacteria will be know as bodily function or dysfunction
(18 replies)

I get curious

No.14401086 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I get curious how far we can go.

We can go. . . ALL THE WAY.

Here’s a random thought, adding an extra colour cone to your eyes to see colours never yet seen.
13 posts and 3 images omitted
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Agar plate question

No.14402019 ViewReplyOriginalReport
if I place bacteria from my mouth on an agar plate and let it grow for a week, would it be dangerous to ingest after it grows?
7 posts omitted
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No.14399813 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>God made the integers, all else is the work of man
Has a man ever been more right?
14 posts and 2 images omitted
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No.14401468 ViewReplyOriginalReport
10 posts and 1 image omitted
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I think I'm going to get something done today. Oh wait whats this...

No.14405637 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>let me turn off the wifi today so I can focus on getting something done that I left half finished
>if I disable the propaganda stream I can just relax
How long from now will they be implanting tv screens on the inside of our eyelids so escape is impossible?