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(19 replies)
No.14398330 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are some comfy not-pure-textbook but still /sci/ reads?
pic related
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(6 replies)
No.14406085 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How exactly does cutting work? See here a rudimentary figure of a very sharp iron wedge that is about to be pushed into a lump of carbon. When the iron cuts the carbon what is actually happening? Are the iron metallic bonds stronger than the carbon covalent bonds, so when forces together the iron bonds win out forcing the carbon apart?
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(104 replies)

Covid19 Vaccine Efficacy Discussion

No.14387790 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I apologize in advance, weary users of /sci/ but I would like to inquire, especially from those supporting the Covid vaccination effort, what the conclusion to draw from my presented data is.

Pic related is Covid 19 vaccination rate in South Korea. As you can see, by November 75% of South Koreans had been vaccinated, despite having had almost no incidence of Covid in their country. In my next post I shall present the graph of Covid deaths.
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(5 replies)

Name of this math problem.

No.14404323 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there a name for the following economic/math problem I can google?

A thing has a 1/10 chance of having 10 points.
B thing has 100 chance of having always a single point.
Which is better?

100% sure is some math ancient problem, but dunno the name to google it.
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No.14406162 ViewReplyOriginalReport
As we approach lightspeed and time slows down doesn't that imply at lightspeed time would stop? And if exceeded would go backwards due to being inversely proportional?
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No.14406128 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Data scientist is the sexiest job of the year
>shortage of millions of data scientists
>100k + a year

>0.33 go to university
>0.25 of 0.33 study stem UG
>0.4 of 0.25 of 0.33 get a post grad
>0.3 of 0.4 of 0.25 of 0.33 have a computational component
>0.9 of 0.3 of 0.4 of 0.25 of 0.33 complete 4 years of higher education

So how the fuck are there hundreds and often thousands of applicants for data science jobs and companies keep ultra high requirements

Surely the pool of relatively young, BSc MSc and can code/math is absolutely fucking tiny given the numbers above....and of course aren't doing something else like being an actuary or an actor/house wife etc

From 1,000,000 18 year olds, we get 35,640 left with a bsc/msc and computational component. And a lot of these are going to be CS majors, or actuaries/random scientists

That's also counting in all the temp student visas who can't work
(14 replies)

Fukushima water dumping

No.14404715 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How valid is the "if it's so safe, why don't you drink it?" argument to justify scepticism over the health safety of Fukushima water?
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No.14404916 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would you say that Mathematics is perfectly the structure and complexity of nature?
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No.14405387 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Consistent 1st cousin marriages can average a loss of 8-11 IQ. Why do some atheists infact consider inbreeding a good thing?

Note: I'm not pushing the leftist narrative that same race reproeuction is inbreeding, I am referring to actual inbreeding like first cousins reproducing
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(7 replies)
No.14406003 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>the absolute state of american colleges
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