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No.14405567 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Asian style instruction.
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No.14404589 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quantum fields are present all across the universe whether a particle is present or not according to QFT. Particles themselves are excitations in this this field and their interactions with each other are mediated through

I'm sorry but how is this any different than aether again?
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No.14405547 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How many times a day should one breathe to be healthy and avoid heart attacks?
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Isosceles right triangle characteristics

No.14406493 ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey i have been thinking about how triangles are used to make magic eight balls and how i used right angles to make a null charged paper battery. i wanna talk about squareness in 2/2=1 or 0 and esp right angles. and what qualities make something perpendicular that could help me map pathological "right" ness
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No.14397660 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>"Welcome to University! If you fail, your massive financial investment evaporates, leaving you with crippling debt for the rest of your life. Also you'll be banned from higher socioeconomic opportunities. Don't cheat tho ok?"

Why is it like this?
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No.14395012 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bad news guys, turns out that Covid masks cause plastic microparticles in the lungs and blood. Looks like shouldn't have trusted the science.
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No.14406069 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how can a pressurized atmosphere exist next to a vacuum with no solid barrier inbetween
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Why is entropy more information?

No.14401198 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I thought entropy was degradation, disintegration, chaos.
I think information like working order, DNA, impulses, social codes, colors, etc. are the bits of information that keep the thing together is the information and whatever reading you take from it while it’s falling apart is a bunch of bullshit, non-information. Noise.
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No.14404203 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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