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Anonymous (15 replies)
Asian style instruction.
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>>14405567 I'd like to know the answers. where the video?
YouTube .looking for a long time . Anonymous
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>>14405567 why did they write it in english?
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>>14405909 Chalkboard are cool. I'm looking for a rolling one for my house, something old like pic with a real piece of slate would be awesome. Whiteboards smell, markers are expensive, are way too continuous in fading to barely legible horror compared to binary chalk you don't need to write with to test, and don't have that same "gonna prove Navier Stokes" feelz. Yes I have autism.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Quantum fields are present all across the universe whether a particle is present or not according to QFT. Particles themselves are excitations in this this field and their interactions with each other are mediated through
I'm sorry but how is this any different than aether again?
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>>14404589 changing the definition of a thing until it matches the very qualities of a thing already established and then saying, why is this thing any different that thing?, is not valid.
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>>14404589 Fields aren't media. Do you understand what an aether is? It retards motion. By definition. Fields do no such thing.
Anonymous (17 replies)
How many times a day should one breathe to be healthy and avoid heart attacks?
>>14405821 >vaccines exterminated 769 athletes in just 1 year Safe and Effective.
Trust the Science.
The Science is Settled.
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>>14406081 Because everything is a Jewish false flag but they can do nothing about it except use humor to cope.
>>14406216 >Down from 827 year before THE VAX SAVED LIVES
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>>14406228 >>Down from 827 year before Bullshit lies. Post proof, oh wait, you can't because you're lying.
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>>14405547 At least twelve
El Arcón (5 replies)
hey i have been thinking about how triangles are used to make magic eight balls and how i used right angles to make a null charged paper battery. i wanna talk about squareness in 2/2=1 or 0 and esp right angles. and what qualities make something perpendicular that could help me map pathological "right" ness
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>>14406493 Uh oh. How are you feeling today, Tooker?
Anonymous (79 replies)
>"Welcome to University! If you fail, your massive financial investment evaporates, leaving you with crippling debt for the rest of your life. Also you'll be banned from higher socioeconomic opportunities. Don't cheat tho ok?"
Why is it like this?
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>>14400057 Entrance exams to top unis 100 years ago would get steamrolled by top middle schoolers today. Shit has become harder, especially fields like physics that have grown significantly.
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>>14401857 >tfw navy Tuition assistance entire undergrad and saving GI bill for grad school. In navy at 17, started BS at 21, civilian and grad school starts at 24. If successful I'll be significantly ahead of my peers in all aspects.
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>>14398010 I literally went to college because of FOMO on pussy and my upper middle class boomer parents were insistent and were going to pay.
I finished and got a cushy 65k do-nothing WFH job with my degree but its such a fucking scam.
All the skills I needed to get my job could be acquired in maybe 5 solid weeks of study.
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>>14397660 if you can't complete a simple university degree without cheating, you might be retarded. It's literally easier to just study for 15-30 minutes before a test than cheat.
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>>14397660 Yeah I went full retard preventing me from finishing electrical engineering. The only path available to me is to become a full stack dev which Ironically makes more than a professional engineer.
Anonymous (5 replies)
If a finger had as many nerve endings as a dick, would we be able to cum just with finger?
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>>14406343 Would a original 2hand meteorfap include 11dicks
Anonymous (49 replies)
Bad news guys, turns out that Covid masks cause plastic microparticles in the lungs and blood. Looks like shouldn't have trusted the science.
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>>14395012 Where's the control group? Do you realize the shit we inhale on a daily basis, mask or no mask?
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>>14401632 >Hmmmmmmmmm, couldn't possibly be PLASTIC, could it? Doubt it. Oxidized PUFA more likely. I'm exposed to the same plasticizers as everyone else, but I avoid processed oils (and foods that contain them). I'm thin despite a huge appetite, but it's a small sample size.
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>>14395012 Wouldn't be surprised if carpets were the most significant source.
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low iq ppl are easily manipulated
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>>14401620 Imagine having a hormone affect how you think and your identity.
>>14401632 It's falling because we're lazy fucks, not because of microplastics.
Anonymous (12 replies)
how can a pressurized atmosphere exist next to a vacuum with no solid barrier inbetween
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>>14406069 The phenomena called gravity. It travels in waves, by the way. Maybe it's gravitons, I'd like it to be gravitons.
>>14406074 Never argue with flat Earthers and Marxists
-Author C. Clark
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>>14406350 This might be some of the best advice I've ever read. Both should be shot instead.
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>>14406069 >>14406096 retard thread or troll thread
either way, good job mods
page 1 bump
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>>14406069 Magnetic field + layers of atmosphere made of different particles
Anonymous (47 replies)
I thought entropy was degradation, disintegration, chaos.
I think information like working order, DNA, impulses, social codes, colors, etc. are the bits of information that keep the thing together is the information and whatever reading you take from it while it’s falling apart is a bunch of bullshit, non-information. Noise.
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>>14402571 Right.
A chaotic system contains a lot of information because is unpredictable so you gain a lot of information after observing it.
I have the feeling some people are conflating thermodynamic entropy and information theory entropy, which are not exactly compatible.
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>>14405596 I have a feeling you're absolutely correct
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>>14405596 They’re ultimately the same concept though. Maybe not on the surface, but thermodynamic entropy is just information theoretic entropy where the information context is encoding something like the size of the area that objects can be in a state in.
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>>14401207 I feel this is a pretty good explanation.
Anonymous (6 replies)
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>>14405116 You don't like them real?
Reals are constructed from the surreals.
>>14405260 based and conwaypilled
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>>14405337 I'm not even educated I just looked at the image on the Wikipedia page and it became obvious