Threads by latest replies - Page 104

(16 replies)
No.14405578 ViewReplyOriginalReport
which percentage of people is actually useful in regard to the advancement of the human race?

How would /sci/ divide the masses into these groups

sort of useful
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(5 replies)

Gene data and autism

No.14406757 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you have your dna information from 23andme, is there a way to find out if you have genes associated with autism? Or don't we know what what part of your genes is correlated with autism diagnoses? Wikipedia says up to 93% is heridetary.
(5 replies)

PhD or continue with career in industry

No.14406730 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm about a year away from finishing an apprenticeship on a power station. For an extra two years of being a student I've gained five years industrial experience, and have a decently paid job lined up (85th-90th percentile). I enjoy the work, it pays well, however, I hate the job. The beaurocracy, all the meaningless work and people with meaningless jobs just getting in the way, the ball breaking, etc.

I've been approached by three professors/readers from different universities each now asking to do a PhD with them. I must admit, I'm tempted. I've never been able to purely study before (always had to work part time, or go the apprenticeship route, even in high school). What was it like phdanons? What was the worst and best of it? Would you recommend?
(5 replies)
No.14406728 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>carnivores extinct 20%

> herbivores 25.5 %

the carnivore diet is more proper
prove me wrong
(5 replies)
No.14406487 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There is only once race: the human race
(23 replies)

Self Experimentation Thread

No.14399150 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What would it be like for a human to live like a robot? I mean explicit algorithmic routines, science based and complete discipline.
What should one consider if he wants to experiment on himself and document life-long? Books, tools and ideas... drop them all
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(9 replies)

Anyone have this book?

No.14403630 ViewReplyOriginalReport
"Physics is constipated (intellectually that is)" by Milton W Monson
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(71 replies)
No.14392244 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You can't prove MWI is false
66 posts and 5 images omitted
(13 replies)

I managed to survive 4 days

No.14405117 ViewReplyOriginalReport
sleeping a hour each day, I'm on passive mode but get much science done per day.

Scientifically speaking, how am I still not fucking dead?
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(5 replies)

W Boson mass is ass

No.14406559 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wow, exciting news! I thought that the standard model was the most precise, most accurate theory in history but I guess there is new physics left to discover after all! Could this possibly explain dark matter? Will we need to build a bigger particle accelerator to discover all of the new laws of physics being uncovered now?