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Trans Med Student Kychelle Del Rosario canceled by Wake Forest

No.14407504 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine you invest 4 years of your life, plus undergrad, trying to get a medical degree and then toward the end of year 4 of med school, you have an emotional chimp out during training and your whole massive investment of time and money is flushed down the toilet. Must be depressing - oh wait also you're now a national laughing stock/pariah and even boomer cuck fox news is scoring off your sorry ass.

>Wake Forest med student who harmed patient as revenge for mocking pronoun pin on ‘extended leave' and no longer participating in patient care activities, Wake Forest School of Medicine said

A fourth-year medical student at North Carolina’s Wake Forest University, Kychelle Del Rosario, is on "extended leave" and will not be seeing patients amid controversy over a tweet suggesting she missed a vein during a blood draw on a patient who disagreed with her political views on transgenderism.

"Wake Forest School of Medicine has completed a thorough review of the patient encounter with our medical student who recently made an inaccurate statement on social media," Wake Health spokeswoman Paula Faria said in a statement to Fox News Digital on Friday. "The review determined that the student had no intention to harm the patient and followed Medical Center protocols."

"The School and the student have agreed upon her taking an extended leave," Faria added. "During this time the student will not participate in any patient care activities."
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No.14407433 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I failed my analysis exam and my crush rejected me today
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No.14401738 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Riddle me this. People are freaking out about all this microplastic fear mongering when super duper small particles of plastic are found from lungs or blood. But what about all the other particles people get exposed to? How are those supposed to be less harmful? I'm sure many people working in construction sites for example get exposed to massive amounts of crap through their lungs all the time but nobody is freaking out about that. Instead, we are scared of some puny little surgical mask.
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No.14405674 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How long until I can enhance my brain by connecting machines to it?
It seems like we should we able to do this already, at least a simple machibe like a calculator.
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Why are computer chips hard to make

No.14403678 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Some people can make shitty chips in their home with huge size transistors at 100 microns, they basically work. Why cant rich companies or countries with billions of dollars basically just do whatever the taiwanese are doing? What exactly is so difficult when you have that kind of money?
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Effects of multiple large moons on tides and environment

No.14405901 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/lit/fag here. I'm writing a fantasy book where there are six large moons of differing orbits around the planet (and a ring and loads of moonlets) that the story takes place on. I've been trying to think of ways this would impact the world, but all I have is;
>the tides would be chaotic and difficult to manage, making seafaring very difficult
Is that the only big difference, dangerous coasts and seas?
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No.14407272 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is exascale computing supposed to be important?
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No.14406836 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If I throw a coin N times and get heads M times, what is the probability that the coin is fair?
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No.14405167 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was removing the 200 nanograms of Americium from a smoke detector for my cloud chamber and accidently lightly scratched and dented the button.
I know the tiny amount of americium is electroplated to the disc, but could this have scraped some off? Would it become dust in the air? Is it dangerous?