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No.14407015 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>When you suddenly reduce the amount of weight on a moving vehicle, it will accelerate.
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No.14406982 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So .999 = 1.0 is just a copout to validate our current mathematical principles and doesn't actually exist in physical reality...Thank you /sci/!
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Where is your jorgen now ?

No.14407349 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Weird Situation

No.14405250 ViewReplyOriginalReport
> Invents Medical Device That Makes Your Face Perfect
> Big Company Rejects Its

What Gives?
(63 replies)

Math doesn't feel real

No.14399668 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
When I study mathematics it doesn't feel real. It just feels like a rough approximation of the quantities and patterns that exist in nature sorted into neat little arbitrary blocks for human use and in a vacuum they really mean jack shit. Not even numbers feel real. What the fuck is a number? It's an abstraction. It's neat the way it fits together I guess but it feels about as "real" and concrete as any other language.

How do I study mathematics while being gay, retarded and unable to appreciate mathematics beyond this?
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I want to nakadashi the physics girl.

No.14407198 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to nakadashi the physics girl.
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etc. etc.

No.14405874 ViewReplyOriginalReport
SEPTEMBER 15 2021: I saw the future seer Valerie in a Subway train, people were talking about how evil is attracted to her because she is good. like moths to a light.

A few months later the word Subway started trending the most qualitatively objectively on the internet in 18 years due to the subway shooting. Use Google trends to confirm this fact. Objectively.

APRIL 11 2022: Dreamed about a shooter shooting people in a mall food court.


JULY 24 2021: Dreamed of Finneas taking Instagram pics at the White House outdoors.

Bingo bongo a few months later he really did. And 1. No it is not likely that any random musician will go take pics at the white House. 2. It is not as likely as you think bro.

SEPTEMBER 25 AND OCTOBER 23 2021: two dreams of the psychic Jennifer while significant trucker convoys blocked the highways.

Nobody was actually expecting the freedom convoy to happen and any evidence you have is fake or misinterpreted and NO trucker convoys never happen this significantly not in 18 years objectively by qualitative googl search data look it up you daft fuckers.

November 18 2021: Jennifer in a dream about an SUV harming people three days before the significant suv attack on the news channel.
(638 replies)

/sfg/ Spaceflight General

No.14404335 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
?EC? ?EC? ?EC? editionski

prev: >>14401214
633 posts and 99 images omitted
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No.14406489 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is it so elusive?