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(47 replies)
No.14405675 ViewReplyOriginalReport
anyone read it? how skilled was marx as a mathematician?
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No.14406935 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is the majority of physicians are extremely annoying and disturbing? I've went to a psychiatrist today to get diagnosed with my ADHD and they were talking to me like they have created the world, My life is not belong to you just because I want to get some benefit on your medical knowledge. Stop talking to your patients like you are their parents.
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(64 replies)

Is there anyway to improve your fluid intelligence/G factor/Working memory/IQ

No.14396307 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Come on 4chan gimme something interesting this is a highly male place with super nerds who have solved insane problems when they thought about it don't troll me?
59 posts and 9 images omitted
(9 replies)


No.14406916 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A machine that allows a human to process, store, and retrieve information 10 orders of magnitude greater than a base human brain.
What does it look like?
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No.14405311 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My Calculus 1 class is going to be online. What are some things to look out for? Is the class the same?
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(5 replies)

How much higher would inbred populations be if introduced to new genetic material?

No.14407639 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would heavy asian, northern european or native american donation of DNA into countries like Morocco, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia increase their IQs?

It's alluring that these countries which used to be the cradles of civilization harbor such a low average IQ.
(5 replies)


No.14407954 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why does the chance of "going dry" aka 0 successes in N trials with 1/N success probability approach 0.367861 as N approaches infinity? As illustrated in this R code, the chance of 0 successes in N trials with 1/N success probability seems to approach .367861, why is this? I tried to calculate it by taking the limit of the binomial cumulative density function with k=0, p=1/N, as N approaches infinity, but I couldn't get that to equal .367861, thanks.
(12 replies)

Having a math exam tomorrow

No.14406357 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone have some tips?
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No.14407410 ViewReplyOriginalReport
3 posts and 2 images omitted