Threads by latest replies - Page 60

(10 replies)

Underrated Cute/Males

No.3886086 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A thread for guys who don't get enough love and/or rarely get fanart

I'm usually not into bara dudes but I think Helck is adorable
5 posts and 4 images omitted
(311 replies)

Genshin Impact

No.3886893 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread >>3884326
306 posts and 158 images omitted
(5 replies)
(280 replies)

/cm/ - New shota bread

No.3893846 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Athletic sho edition.

Previous: >>3891826
Trap shota: >>3878372
Kemoshota: >>3887400
Shota manga: >>3844997
275 posts and 155 images omitted
(197 replies)

Yugioh Part 15

No.3779035 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last thread
lets maybe not wait a year and a month before hitting the image limit this time
192 posts and 148 images omitted
(5 replies)

Hawaiian Shirt Thread

No.3895664 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Best shirt for best season for best boys
(337 replies)

Andy from the Coffin of Andrew and Leyley

No.3846630 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Underated cutie
332 posts and 79 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.3895115 ViewReplyOriginalReport
be me

>trying to impress the lads on 4chan with my newfound knowledge of monads

>start spewing out all the features like I'm some kind of Haskell guru

"Yeah bro, you see monads have this thing called 'bind' which helps with sequencing computations, and then there's 'return' which lifts a value into a monadic context..."

>suddenly realize nobody gives a shit

>they just wanna see dank memes, not a lecture on functional programming

>feel like a total neckbeard trying to flex my pseudo-intellectual prowess

>maybe I should stick to trolling and shitposting like the rest of 'em"
(165 replies)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Majora’s Mask

No.3858772 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I just started OoT today. Let’s have a thread about these two games specifically.
160 posts and 146 images omitted
(243 replies)

the /cm/ compass

No.3839854 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Chart the boys you wanna top and the ones you wanna get topped by using this handy chart
238 posts and 89 images omitted