Threads by latest replies - Page 49

(45 replies)

Bridget and Testament

No.3902654 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/cutemale/ thread for the cutest males of GG
MaleToFailure trannies NOT welcome ;D
40 posts and 39 images omitted
(195 replies)

Genshin Impact

No.3902317 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
best shota abs and tummy

old >>3900508
190 posts and 153 images omitted
(10 replies)

Femboy but still works

No.3904503 ViewReplyOriginalReport
5 posts and 5 images omitted
(5 replies)
(34 replies)

crossdressing manga thread

No.3892810 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thread for talking about manga that deals heavily with crossdressing or at least features a very prominent crossdressing character. Manga about a guy physically transformed into a woman can get the fuck out, manga about trans women is a case by case decision.

Crossplay Love - A fun little romcom. It's one of those series where they don't want to progress the main thing so they keep adding characters who fall in love with people they don't realize are crossdressing guys. But it always has a good amount of crossdressing. Sadly not very horny, but good comedy

I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend into a Girl - It's alright. Only one crossdressing character, very little hijinks, mild horniness.

Love Me For Who I Am - Main character is non-binary but there's a decent amount of crossdressing happening around them, and you can always simply decided not to respect their gender and see them as a crossdressing boy. Very dramatic, lots of crying. Mild horniness.

What else ya got?
29 posts and 14 images omitted
(231 replies)

Shota Thread

No.3900868 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Cute lil bros edition
226 posts and 152 images omitted
(35 replies)

DMMD - DRAMAtical Murder

No.3890684 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Real oldfags remember. If anyone has some Noiz, let's make some Noiz
30 posts and 29 images omitted
(5 replies)

Otome game boys

No.3905880 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Idea Factory boys especially welcome
(170 replies)

AI Boys

No.3898378 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
165 posts and 147 images omitted
(262 replies)

Evangelion Thread #296

No.3880279 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous: >>3836570

You WILL keep Evangelion threads alive
You WILL enjoy the series
257 posts and 155 images omitted