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The Ex from Denmark edition
Shotaluc edition
Previous >>3729727
Previous >>3729727
got called cute on /b/ so ima repost my story here, sorry if it breaks rules or whatever
>be me, somewhat popular kid in high school
>go through phase of thinking looking like the generic e-boy was cool
>dye hair, completely change wardrobe, pretend to give a shit about 'aesthetics', other faggotry
>browse web for inspiration
>of course, cigarettes!
>where the hell am I gonna get cigarettes?
>look around house
>see coffee tin
>lightbulb lights up in head
>roll coffee cigar, go outside, light up
>shit tastes foul (as to be expected) but I feel cooler
>this becomes daily practice
>taste begins to grow on me
>fast-forward 2 weeks
>at a party
>decide now is the time to finally reveal my secret
>take out coffee cigarette, light and start smoking
>cue confused looks
>"wait, you smoke? I had no clue"
>feel really good when people start talking to me, even gaining the attention of a certain crush
>crush starts talking to me
>"why does that smell like coffee anon?"
>"I uh... it's coffee mixed with tobacco, yeah, so it uh... smells better?"
>mfw crush believes my bullshit
>"smoking tobacco is really gross, why not smoke weed or something like a normal person?"
>"well I uh... I dunno, I'm just poor"
>crush laughs, night continues, I get my crush's number. Overall a successful night
>maybe my crush is right, it is kinda gross and I don't gain anything from it... other than looking a little cooler
>next day
>ignore urge to smoke coffee
>"weird, why do I feel like I need to smoke?"
>give in and go smoke outside
>wait, am I addicted to this?
>get worried, throw out little box full of coffee-cigarettes
>fast-forward a few hours
>digging through garbage to find box of coffee-cigarettes
well fuck, looks like I'm addicted to smoking coffee now, fml
>be me, somewhat popular kid in high school
>go through phase of thinking looking like the generic e-boy was cool
>dye hair, completely change wardrobe, pretend to give a shit about 'aesthetics', other faggotry
>browse web for inspiration
>of course, cigarettes!
>where the hell am I gonna get cigarettes?
>look around house
>see coffee tin
>lightbulb lights up in head
>roll coffee cigar, go outside, light up
>shit tastes foul (as to be expected) but I feel cooler
>this becomes daily practice
>taste begins to grow on me
>fast-forward 2 weeks
>at a party
>decide now is the time to finally reveal my secret
>take out coffee cigarette, light and start smoking
>cue confused looks
>"wait, you smoke? I had no clue"
>feel really good when people start talking to me, even gaining the attention of a certain crush
>crush starts talking to me
>"why does that smell like coffee anon?"
>"I uh... it's coffee mixed with tobacco, yeah, so it uh... smells better?"
>mfw crush believes my bullshit
>"smoking tobacco is really gross, why not smoke weed or something like a normal person?"
>"well I uh... I dunno, I'm just poor"
>crush laughs, night continues, I get my crush's number. Overall a successful night
>maybe my crush is right, it is kinda gross and I don't gain anything from it... other than looking a little cooler
>next day
>ignore urge to smoke coffee
>"weird, why do I feel like I need to smoke?"
>give in and go smoke outside
>wait, am I addicted to this?
>get worried, throw out little box full of coffee-cigarettes
>fast-forward a few hours
>digging through garbage to find box of coffee-cigarettes
well fuck, looks like I'm addicted to smoking coffee now, fml
Dear /cm/
Gacha. Or "mobile heroes game". Is there any mobile game full of cute shota/boyish characters out there?
(btw why no one tried that already?)
Expanding: Also looking for any shota games other than the obvious ones.
Special points if it's shota characters and monsters.
Gacha. Or "mobile heroes game". Is there any mobile game full of cute shota/boyish characters out there?
(btw why no one tried that already?)
Expanding: Also looking for any shota games other than the obvious ones.
Special points if it's shota characters and monsters.
Why do you keep playing this game bobo...

252KiB, 600x873, 14e587cf791ada5c80bd83d20d11789621c64bd503b4987316d2ea84bb948cc1.png
tales of boys
Sousuke birthday merch available for preorder.
Kaede/Hiyori, Nagisa/Rei, and Natsuya/Nao CDs had their covers and track titles revealed.
KyoAni announced there will be a 10th anniversary event in 2023.
Previous Thread: >>3728419
Kaede/Hiyori, Nagisa/Rei, and Natsuya/Nao CDs had their covers and track titles revealed.
KyoAni announced there will be a 10th anniversary event in 2023.
Previous Thread: >>3728419