Threads by latest replies - Page 99

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No.3014353 ViewReplyOriginalReport
> Be me
> Filmbro
> Spend all day watching and thinking about and talking about movies
> Want to be a director
> Only one friend and he’s not very into movies
> Want to spend more time with him but he has no taste or interest in cinema
> Can’t figure out why I want to be with him so much
Am I gay bros???
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(358 replies)

Chubfag thread

No.2991148 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous one lasted over a year >>2921320
Will this one last as long? We'll see.
353 posts and 303 images omitted
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Dark skinned

No.2967741 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Places post drawings of visibly dark skinned men
306 posts and 276 images omitted
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(6 replies)
No.3011830 ViewReplyOriginalReport
post your AI handsome men patreon
1 post and 1 image omitted