Threads by latest replies - Page 83

(306 replies)

Muscle Growth

No.2932802 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anything of massive muscles and growth
301 posts and 219 images omitted
(77 replies)

Jujutsu Kaisen

No.3016268 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
72 posts and 63 images omitted
(9 replies)


No.3027431 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A new thread just in time for the new year.

Previous Thread: >>2978018
4 posts and 4 images omitted
(332 replies)

/y/-drawthread #153

No.3020931 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
1) Be nice to drawfags, they draw for us for free after all. If youre looking to add criticism, please do so respectfully.
2) Specifics details & reference pics IN ONE POST are MANDATORY. Be Mindful before hitting post. Combine them in MSPaint & compress with TinyJPG. No excuses.
3) Dont expect your request to be done straight away or at all, not every request is going to get done. If you're repeating a request in a new thread, try including more refs.
4) Stick to fictional characters. Characters from live action film/television are fine, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but not Chris Evans.
5) DON'T BE GREEDY- no begging, repeating filled requests, It's ungrateful to the drawfags filling for us for free.
6) Usual board/global rules apply - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure theyre legal, etc. Use catbox if youre worried a request/fill is too extreme.
7) NO THREAD DERAILMENT, Dont bother arguing, report filter or hide them. if (you) want to contact the jannys:
8)NO AI deliveries (unless the requester says so) Keep ai in ai threads.
9) When the thread reaches bump limit, PLEASE wait until the current thread reaches page8 of the catalog before making a new one.
>Collection of Deliveries:
*use your extra time to archive deliveries in the booru or r34
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing tips >>>/ic/1579290
Previous thread: >>3018054
>discord link incase theres too much spam
327 posts and 118 images omitted
(264 replies)

Foreskin/Uncut dick thread

No.2988636 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
They're just neat!

No arguments and please no Patrick Fillion shit.
259 posts and 233 images omitted
(271 replies)

Fire Emblem

No.2964177 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
idk what happened to the old thread so
266 posts and 229 images omitted
(51 replies)

Yakuza / Like A Dragon / Ryu ga Gotoku

No.3009045 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Naked Ichiban edition
46 posts and 40 images omitted
(66 replies)


No.3021452 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm having trouble finding Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint stuff, cause most of it I come across is sfw
61 posts and 53 images omitted
(397 replies)

AI porn thread

No.3024175 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post AI creations you made/found.

Previous Thread: >>3021754

? Generators

? Tips
1) The instant "hard No." too many of these (about 3 in a row) can cause a ban. This is when your PROMPT has a problem with a specific term. Try adding "NOT" in front of the word in question. Incrementally change your prompt and only add one risky term at a time.
2) The DOG. If you typed something lewd Dilute your prompt, add in more safe terms add noise like random objects, try the split image trick.
2a) Meta tagging like "chubby round bread, her back is the bread",change her skin tone with "add neon blue/red lighting"
4) Unlimited prompt tokens during low user activity (Late night US timezones) when it starts saying 45 second wait times.
5) You can use multiple browsers each logged on a different account.
6) Phone number verification means they have reason to believe you're the same person making too many accounts, (IP or browser fingerprint).
7) Get into the habit of having backup accounts BEFORE problems occur, save a txt doc of which account used which browser.
8) Accounts DO get shadow banned and flagged without your knowledge where nearly all of your prompts will get hard no and soft dog no, clear cookies and Make a new account.
392 posts and 257 images omitted
(252 replies)

Anonymous Guy Thread 2

No.2941172 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last one hit it's page limit.
247 posts and 196 images omitted