Threads by latest replies - Page 75

(65 replies)


No.2991770 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
guys who just got bred/or are getting bred
60 posts and 56 images omitted
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(121 replies)

HOTD/House of the Dragon thread

No.2988148 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
116 posts and 102 images omitted
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No.3032061 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Evangelion pedo thread is constantly up even tho it breaks the rules
>genshin impact tranny thread stays up even tho it breaks the rules
>bbc thread gets deleted even tho it’s well within the rules
You fags are fucking racist
(9 replies)

Fire Emblem

No.3030807 ViewReplyOriginalReport
New thread since the old one vanished
4 posts and 4 images omitted
(5 replies)

Does anyone know his username?

No.3031998 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I remember to see his tweets about two years ago on my TL, I remember that his username wasn’t his singing (REUBZ)
What I really know is that he take a hiatus and that his account was going to be abandoned, he also said he’ll come back with another account and “it’ll be easy to find” because he will draw with the same style.
I tried to save his drawings but my last phone got lost and now I only have this two images, these two were downloaded around January 13th~14th, 2022.
I remember he posted his sketches and it was bara and chubby content.
Does anyone remember his last account or the new one?
Also if you have more of his stuff, post it. I tried to used YANDEX (and google images) and I got 0 results so I feeling like this is lost media.
(5 replies)

Please help

No.3031952 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I can’t remember the name of a movie. It’s a gay, i THINK korean before the year 2010. The only thing I remember is a scene where the sub goes to the tops flat and it’s a fancy flat. They go to the kitchen amd drink water. Then they make out. The sub wears a patterned black and white sweater.
PLEASE HELP if that rings a bell…
(198 replies)

Pokemen: Saguaro Supremacy

No.2986920 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last pokemon thread >>2955750
193 posts and 154 images omitted
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