Threads by latest replies - Page 32

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No.3033621 ViewReplyOriginalReport
if I like yaoi but only if I already like the characters does that make me gay
48 posts and 1 image omitted
(308 replies)

BL Discussion Thread #107

No.3051236 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Read any good BL recently? Drop your recs and read along here!

> (NEEDS UPDATING - see below for details)

BL Licensers and How to Request from Them: >
Project JUNE Download: >
Tiermakers: >

Bonus challenge:
What is a common personality type you don't like seeing in BL, and what would you do to improve/change it?

Previous thread:
303 posts and 73 images omitted
(228 replies)

Rtzero and Saigon3d Videos

No.3044647 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This thread is focused around sharing videos and MEGA links to RTZeroBara and Saigon3D's content.
Here's the first MEGA link to Rtzerobara's MEGA folder!
223 posts and 16 images omitted
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classic yaoi

No.3064440 ViewReplyOriginalReport
post og shit
16 posts and 12 images omitted
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No.3064581 ViewReplyOriginalReport
let's see some boys getting what they deserve
keep it easy with the femboys
anything else is a-ok
(and gimme a sec to post 3)
6 posts and 6 images omitted
(308 replies)

Monster thread #13

No.2958414 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Any monster welcome (not furry ofc)
303 posts and 229 images omitted
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Yaoi Oyakodon

No.3065586 ViewReplyOriginalReport
When fathers and sons get fucked together.

Not them fucking someone together, not each other, but getting fucked. They're the ones getting penetrated.
1 post and 1 image omitted