Threads by latest replies - Page 29

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Ass to Mouth

No.3061318 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fellatio after anal (not anilingus.)
Posts should either contain image sequences or animations explicitly showing the two sex acts in order, or still images where it's clearly implied that the cock the bottom sucks was in their ass immediately prior (by the presence of a single top, cum visibly leaking from bottom's ass, etc.)
13 posts and 9 images omitted
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Patientz Works/Slime

No.3068229 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone have his new works? This is a free teaser that he has
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BL and Yaoi anime discussion.

No.3068152 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welp, the schizo on /a/ won, mods won't ban him and he will keep ruining threads on /a/. /cm/ is also not a viable option.
So moving these to here.
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honest question for the gays

No.3068026 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how can anyone be gay when stuff like this exists?
6 posts and 6 images omitted
(348 replies)
No.3057276 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
GH thread


Previous thread
343 posts and 277 images omitted
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