Threads by latest replies - Page 246

(23 replies)

Translating or Rewriting stuff

No.2890637 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I will be free for the next few days so I wanna do this. I am someone who understand Chinese and is willing to translate short one page or two page stuff. Anyone who understands (Other languages can help translate too)

Plus I also enjoy rewriting comic. I will send some example. I love changing up the story to make it more appealing to different fetishes. I just started so if I am sorry if I am not professional but I am willing to improve.
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(17 replies)

Leon x Raihan thread

No.2890765 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's get the two best dark skinned boys in here. NO TOP LEON!!
12 posts and 12 images omitted
(59 replies)

Constant Spam in Drawthreads

No.2889627 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Considering a thread had to be made to be made to get rid of the "No small tops" fag, I might as well make this thread so the jannies can fucking do their job already.

There's this policing anon who thinks he's helping the drawthreads by gatekeeping requests and wasting replies just bitching over and over again. We've tried ignoring him but some anons are either too braindead and don't listen or the policing anon fucking talks to himself like a schizo. I don't know if this guy legitimately thinks he's helping or if he's a troll but one thing's for sure, this has been going on for nearly 5 fucking threads at this point.

If a mod can do their job and ban him already then that would be great. It seems like whenever anyone wants him gone they get a temp ban instead of this annoying fucker.
54 posts and 17 images omitted
(27 replies)

Aged-up characters

No.2889953 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Everything's in the title. I don't want kids, I want their aged-up versions
22 posts and 14 images omitted
(182 replies)
No.2834915 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
good boys deserve to be on top sometimes

it's pretty hard to find good pics of cute guys riding their man
177 posts and 97 images omitted
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Dont Starve Thread

No.2889903 ViewReplyOriginalReport
(14 replies)

metalheads, punks, etc

No.2889948 ViewReplyOriginalReport
but for fuck's sake, keep the emo sissy shit out.

(Yeah, I don't have anything yet)
9 posts and 7 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.2889778 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want some insight from those who do commissions, sorry in advance if this isn't the right place but not sure where else to ask.

I've been "into yaoi" for quite some time, have fawned over bishounen, and have wanted to make a career out of making yaoi illustrations, manga, and/or games/animations. Nothing crazy, but if I can make enough to move out of my family's house and get life my going, that'd be great.

Realistically, if my skills are decent, what are the chances of this?

I would have to start from scratch again so I don't have examples that I can show.
(22 replies)

Baki stuff

No.2879452 ViewReplyOriginalReport
17 posts and 10 images omitted