Threads by latest replies - Page 233

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Proper Fire Emblem Thread

No.2869931 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old one died and the "no small tops " fujo is back. Small tops are more than welcome!
302 posts and 285 images omitted
(102 replies)

Demon Slayer

No.2882369 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Need some more art to add to my collection
97 posts and 90 images omitted
(49 replies)

Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts thread

No.2890787 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's get em in here! Remember: Absolutely no small tops!
44 posts and 39 images omitted
(35 replies)

Invincible thread

No.2894859 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Old one died. Let's start again! No small tops!
30 posts and 22 images omitted
(74 replies)

Translation Thread (I guess)

No.2892683 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I was bored so I came up with the idea of translating some pictures for everyone.

Post pictures (only in Japanese) and I'll translate them to English for you!

Please don't post doujin pages. Also, please keep in mind that I won't translate every single picture that it's posted.

These 5 pics are related since they were translated by me as an example, I hope you all like it.

I don't know how long I'll be doing this, by the way. Probably for a couple of days, so take this chance! :)
69 posts and 60 images omitted
(5 replies)

Anyone know any femboy porn where the femboy is the rapist

No.2901494 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just want something for a change
(78 replies)

/y/ Commission Thread

No.2874521 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A /y/ Commission Thread! (Finally)
Clients, get your fantasies fulfilled!
Artists, get those coins!
Shill yourself
Shill others
Discuss lewds
Don't be a pricefag/dramabait

1. Post your commission sheet and contacts.
2. Tag your commission sheet at the anchor for easy search.
3. Feedback of the artist and commissioner/client are very much welcomed.
4. Support your gay artist because even in drawfag world they're still the minority.
5. This is not a paywall shill thread.
6. Recommended payment system are Patreon, Skeb, Pixiv, Ko-Fi, Gumroad, Cashapp, Venmo, Onlyfans etc. Paypal are an ass if the keywords are related to porno, so BE CAUTION.*better alternative should be recommended. Crypto is riskier and high learning curve for average anons but very convenient.
7. Pictures, examples, photos reference and/or description MUST BE PROVIDED by the commissioner. Keep them brief.
8. Trust, respect for everyone's time and negotiation skill are very vital for a successful two-ways communications and happy party.
1. To remove your name from the SHITLIST, artist needs to deliver 10 drawings in >>>/y/drawthread/ and once all 10 are delivered, post the proof that they are your drawing. Commissioner needs to commission 10 different artist in >>>/y/commission/ STARLIST and post the proof from both yours and artist' receipts.
2. Artists and clients will be nominated for STARLIST for their professionalism for 20 consecutive successful deliveries.
3. Both LISTs will be at the top page until the thread saged and new threads are created. The names will be dropped automatically after 6 months has passed.
4. Detailed RULES >>>TBA
The google doc: Not required atm because this is a slow board.
Previous thread: >>TBA

Topics of the thread:
1. Commissioners, do you have a certain artist you regularly go to get your lewds?
2. Artists, how often do you get commissions from the same person?
73 posts and 14 images omitted
(23 replies)

Softly painted boys

No.2900392 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Femboys recommended. Muscular is on thin ice. Post lewds of guys with the softest skin ;)
18 posts and 14 images omitted
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