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Did the Moab cops get Gabby killed?

No.2905470 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to draw attention to an overlooked but very poignant moment between one of the cops in Moab and Gabby.


“My ex-wife. We would feed off of each other’s anxiety and spiral. You know what I’m saying? It doesn’t matter how much I loved her, it may be bad for your soul.”
- Moab police officer to GP

This is a profound and simple truth, but also inappropriate coming from an LEO in a heated moment. He’s not her father. He’s not her therapist. She’s a young girl having a relationship problems. He meant no harm, but this statement might have caused a lot of harm. “Bad for your soul” is a haunting statement that probably stuck with her.

The question I have is, in the case of GP and BL, was their relationship actually bad for their souls?

They were young and on an incredible adventure together across America. They had a good thing going. They seemed very happy at times and genuinely in love. Were they fighting? Yes but that’s also part of growing pains. People in relationships fight and challenge each other and figure it out. Fighting does not equate to abuse, especially when so young and inexperienced. Sometimes fighting and heartache and pain is what soulmates have to go through. The only evidence we have of physical abuse was that she hit him, to which he suggests it was no big deal, they would move forward with their plans for the day and work through it.

For the Moab cops to scar Gabby with piercing words, and then subsequently force them to separate, leaving her alone in a van she’s afraid to drive, in an unfamiliar place while suffering from crippling ocd, with the echo of the sentiment, that perhaps her fiancé was bad for her soul... that was wildly misguided and irresponsible. Brian even calls it “bureaucratic.”
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Fortnite thread

No.2851257 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
New fortnite thread because all the others ones have been dead for months lol.
320 posts and 201 images omitted
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Shorter guys with bigger dicks

No.2905245 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Isn't it hot when shorter guy has a bigger dick?
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No.2883139 ViewReplyOriginalReport
preferably chubby ones. But all nerds are good.
32 posts and 20 images omitted
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Bara Packs

No.2882779 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
96 posts and 56 images omitted
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High quality thread

No.2870680 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Good lighting, shading, details, lines etc.
Stuff that take time and talent to do right.
124 posts and 97 images omitted