Threads by latest replies - Page 206

(40 replies)
No.2921850 ViewReplyOriginalReport
forced orgasm thread
35 posts and 18 images omitted
(378 replies)

/y/ drawthread #126

No.2917082 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
1) Be nice to everyone especially to drawfriends.
2) Reference pics ARE MANDATORY along with specifics & details IN ONE POST. BE MINDFUL BEFORE HITTING POST. Combine them in MSPaint and compress with TinyJPG. No excuses.
3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away, or even at all. If you think it's been overlooked, repost it AFTER 2 DRAWTHREADS ARE ARCHIVED.
4) Stick to fictional characters. Fictional characters from live action film/television are acceptable, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but no Chris Evans requests.
5) DON'T BE GREEDY- no begging, HOARDING BY POSTING DIFFERENT REQUESTS BY THE SAME ANON, repeat or multiple fills. It's ungrateful to the drawfags who put their own time into filling for you and unfair to other requester.
6) Usual board and global rules apply - no yiff, no cuntboys or other hardcore /d/. If you're worried about whether it's too extreme or not, use imgur, anonfiles, imgbb or /i/.
7) If you're looking to add criticism to a drawfriend's work, please do so in a respectful manner.
8) Make sure your ref is clear and big enough to see.
10) When thread reaches bump limit, please wait until current thread reaches page 8 of the catalog before making a new one.
>Collection of Deliveries:
*use your extra energy to archive deliveries in the booru
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites and drawing programs:
>Drawing tips (/ic/ sticky)
>Color thread
>Edi t thread
Thread finder: >>>/y/drawthread
Previous thread: >>2914940
373 posts and 149 images omitted
(305 replies)

Solo thread

No.2841583 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Only one character in each pic and no more!
300 posts and 288 images omitted
(19 replies)
No.2920805 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Let’s discuss
14 posts and 2 images omitted
(38 replies)
No.2915955 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hisoka thread
33 posts and 25 images omitted
(304 replies)

Mortal Kombat: Anticipating Battle of the Realms Edition

No.2900397 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old thread maxed out: >>2864494
Post your MK daddies, or discuss the new movie
299 posts and 213 images omitted
(5 replies)

Purple Yam Cookie

No.2922182 ViewReplyOriginalReport
(5 replies)
(5 replies)
No.2919610 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Jesús this is gonna be the mother load of degenerancy. But does anyone has mer-boys old art? I’m trying to find some of his mg art to Jack off
(5 replies)
No.2922078 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anons help
help, plz
my porn iz gone

was feeling nostalgic, wanted to look through my old Hetalia folder
got the usb (from old laptop) - can't open a single file on the new laptop
its been awhile, I suppose?
all is gone
ALL of it
please help restock
(and yes, I'm already crawling all over the internet to restock myself also, but things are very different now than they were when I originally populated that folder)
I'm especially missing a picture of Italy: blindfolded, on his knees, in soft light - possibly in some underwear, but the whole body was so lovely open and trusting in posture...
Please, anons, any and all Hetalia yaoi, through the years