Threads by latest replies - Page 198

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Christmas thread

No.2925265 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post those Holly Jolly boys.
23 posts and 23 images omitted
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Nips male characters aren't made for lusting

No.2929308 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Reminder that like the 200% of male characters are canon straight without second through, that most of them are just made for self-insert to be a hero or having a harem of busty girls, that traps are comedic relief and nobody takes them seriously, that fit characters are supposed just to be something cool or heroic.
That Japan doesn't give a shit about gays and fujos and the 30 years old misogynist virgin its the pillar that keep that industry alive.
Every "canon nudity" of male characters are 100% anatomically accurate and not sexual on the slightest.
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Did you guys know that being gay is stupid?

No.2929100 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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My first 4chan post;)

No.2928873 ViewReplyOriginalReport
New heree,this is my first 4chan post
And it’s mee
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