Threads by latest replies - Page 163

(320 replies)


No.2876071 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Lets see those wrecked holes
315 posts and 297 images omitted
(83 replies)


No.2954231 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello /y/
I am here to dump "The Last Merman", probably the only installment of this series from Class Comics. Please support this thread with any and all merman yaoi. Thank you.
78 posts and 73 images omitted
(13 replies)


No.2961808 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Strippers and Pole Dancers
8 posts and 8 images omitted
(5 replies)
(18 replies)

Coloring Book

No.2963975 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any black and white images for a custom coloring book or can anyone share one they have have
13 posts and 13 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.2965853 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are you gays so intent on making monkeypox a global disease?

This isn’t a troll question. Gay men are responsible for the early spread of monkeypox through orgies and other mass physical contacts events.
(310 replies)

Uncut cock thread

No.2938021 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread died so here it is again!

As usual, no shitty arguments in the cut vs. uncut debacle. Everyone's tired of it.
305 posts and 254 images omitted
(45 replies)

Sk8 the infinity

No.2938157 ViewReplyOriginalReport
New thread
40 posts and 26 images omitted
(504 replies)

BL Discussion Thread #90

No.2963039 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Read any good BL recently? Drop your recs and read along here!

> (NEEDS UPDATING - see below for details)

BL Licensers and How to Request from Them:
Project JUNE Download:

Bonus questions:
>What BL changed your mind about a trope?

Previous thread >>2960369
499 posts and 81 images omitted
(106 replies)

Jack-O Pose Thread

No.2901048 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Twitter loving the new trend so I'll just dump some photos here.
101 posts and 86 images omitted