Threads by latest replies - Page 159

(37 replies)

Objecthead thread

No.2963665 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I would explain why but I dont know either. The horny takes over

It doesn't matter what object, just as long as its an object. Good luck fellow homos
32 posts and 26 images omitted
(5 replies)
(98 replies)

Disney thread

No.2935843 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Disney dicks
93 posts and 78 images omitted
(81 replies)


No.2954440 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone have any of these to share?
76 posts and 50 images omitted
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(13 replies)

The Boys Thread

No.2966439 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Saw the thread had been made, but OP posted furry. So, here goes round two, the furry-less addition.

The Boys porn seems increasingly rare. Lot of hot guys in this show, and I'd love to see anything. Bonus points for Hughie and/or Soldier Boy.
8 posts and 8 images omitted
(319 replies)

Robot Thread 3

No.2913154 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>2865616
314 posts and 252 images omitted
(5 replies)

Best Yaoi Production

No.2968156 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there a (unanimous) best yaoi production? It can be of any media form (anime, manga, webm, book, etc.). I have never watched yaoi the image I chose was a collection of characters from yaoi anime and I couldn't name a single one. I am completely ignorant. Basically, what yaoi consumable is the most cherished?
(63 replies)

Gay Hentai is Shit

No.2958995 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
To preface, I'm male and bisexual. Not a butthurt straight dude.

With that said, why is it that yaoi is dominated by disgusting niche fetishes?

Literally 95% of it is bestiality, rape, cum guzzling, pained expressions, and oversized, giga muscle, train engine penis bullshit.

Is it so hard to ask for a hentai of a simple cute guy, average weight, normal penis, having normal human-on-human action who's actually enjoying himself?

And don't even come at me with that twink shit telling me there's plenty of vanilla stuff.
Literally 99% of vanilla yaoi is dominated by twinks.
I love twinks, but it's not my entire pallet.

I'm just gonna share what little decent yaoi I have.
58 posts and 29 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.2968114 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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