Threads by latest replies - Page 156

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The Boys Thread

No.2966439 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Saw the thread had been made, but OP posted furry. So, here goes round two, the furry-less addition.

The Boys porn seems increasingly rare. Lot of hot guys in this show, and I'd love to see anything. Bonus points for Hughie and/or Soldier Boy.
8 posts and 8 images omitted
(319 replies)

Robot Thread 3

No.2913154 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>2865616
314 posts and 252 images omitted
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Best Yaoi Production

No.2968156 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there a (unanimous) best yaoi production? It can be of any media form (anime, manga, webm, book, etc.). I have never watched yaoi the image I chose was a collection of characters from yaoi anime and I couldn't name a single one. I am completely ignorant. Basically, what yaoi consumable is the most cherished?
(63 replies)

Gay Hentai is Shit

No.2958995 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
To preface, I'm male and bisexual. Not a butthurt straight dude.

With that said, why is it that yaoi is dominated by disgusting niche fetishes?

Literally 95% of it is bestiality, rape, cum guzzling, pained expressions, and oversized, giga muscle, train engine penis bullshit.

Is it so hard to ask for a hentai of a simple cute guy, average weight, normal penis, having normal human-on-human action who's actually enjoying himself?

And don't even come at me with that twink shit telling me there's plenty of vanilla stuff.
Literally 99% of vanilla yaoi is dominated by twinks.
I love twinks, but it's not my entire pallet.

I'm just gonna share what little decent yaoi I have.
58 posts and 29 images omitted
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No.2968114 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Average /y/ poster believes this
(110 replies)
No.2967455 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Average /y/ poster believes this
105 posts and 20 images omitted
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Who do you think?

No.2967864 ViewReplyOriginalReport
3 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.2949895 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's a bit late since the movie came out last year, but still.
81 posts and 52 images omitted
(51 replies)

ABC Thread

No.2942659 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Time for and ABC thread - these are always fun.
I'll start:

A is for Ass.
46 posts and 40 images omitted