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Anyone into freaky gaming?

No.2970471 ViewReplyOriginalReport
30 yr old virgin, leeches off mommy and daddy for vbucks and twitch bucks for my obese twitch girlfriend shaymin1990 who has a kid. I do nothing all day but waste my life on gaming, hitting up women and jacking off to my disabled 27 year old sister.

Rate me? ;) i’m into some pretty freaky shit.
I get off to my exes getting pumped by a dude better than me. #Cucklife

Donate to me at
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Draw this twink Snoo getting railed

No.2970311 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just saw this twink browsing Reddit and found out that he is apart of this dead comic called "Hyperlinked" and was inspired by the r/teenagers subreddit. Found out he was of age and thought that he needed porn of him but I can't draw for shit plus most of the gay porn of him is stale and kinda getting tired of fapping to it so I need something new.

If anyone is up for it, this is what I need you to do: Draw this twink as a femboy getting railed.

It would also be fine as fuck if you drew his hole getting pumped full of cum and have it leak.
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Masculine/real men hate gays and for that Bara its stupid

No.2970284 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Getting ripped in these days its a right-wing straight thing, all of the "men" that you want to fuck so badly would beat the crap of you if you approach them, I'm not defending trapshit by the way, show weakness to appeal a "stronger" men simply don't work and only would get you bullied.
Why all of you lust over men that simply despised all of you?
You are going to get hatecrimed one of these days.
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No.2970182 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Spend 15 years building/growing your e-bike company.
>Reckless teen dies doing reckless things on bike
>Parents sue the e-bike company for millions
>Parents are already rich jew lawyers

Welcome to America
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