Threads by latest replies - Page 130

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BL Discussion Thread #97

No.2992213 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Read any good BL recently? Drop your recs and read along here!

> (NEEDS UPDATING - see below for details)

BL Licensers and How to Request from Them:
Project JUNE Download:

Bonus question: What was your favorite read of 2002?

Previous thread: >>2987482
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Josou Seme

No.2989791 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Twinks/Femboys on top
315 posts and 301 images omitted
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Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts

No.2991622 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post your sexy men! Especially Cloud.
8 posts and 6 images omitted
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Cat Noir Fap Thread

No.2986349 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I wanna knock him up so bad
21 posts and 19 images omitted
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Demon Slayer

No.2991782 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's get it. NO SMALL TOPS!!!
8 posts and 8 images omitted
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