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Source of this image?

No.3011497 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This was an image from Tumblr several years ago, but it looks like it doesn't exist there or anywhere else anymore. Only instance of it I can find is where someone else is asking where it's from and no one replied

It looks like it's probably from a doujin, but I don't even know what the ship would be. This mystery has been haunting me for months now, literally posting to 4chan for the first time in hopes of an answer. Anyone got any clues?

The file name of the Tumblr image was tumblr_ntb3yr8nLG1t0oz8yo1_1280
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No.3010443 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Art request

No.3011433 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Requesting a drawing of Val Hallen giving a titjob and completely lovingly milking a pathetic anon and getting cum all over his man tiddies and shirt
(18 replies)

SMT/Persona thread

No.3011398 ViewReplyOriginalReport
any tops. let's get some Demi-Fiend.
13 posts and 13 images omitted
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(475 replies)

BL Discussion Thread #100

No.3007724 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Read any good BL recently? Drop your recs and read along here!

> (NEEDS UPDATING - see below for details)

BL Licensers and How to Request from Them: >
Project JUNE Download: >
Tiermakers: >

Bonus question:
>Share a memory (or several) from your time in these threads.
>BONUS: Answer a question from a previous thread!
>Previous questions:

Previous thread: >>3002219
All Threads:
470 posts and 125 images omitted
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No.3011217 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Straight guy looking for insight

Does it offend you when people online joke about people being gay? What about others within your community? When I joke around about the subject its typically a self-righteous straight person that goes off and gets upset
(5 replies)