Threads by latest replies - Page 79

(5 replies)
No.97013 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>10 years old wanting to go to vidya store
>dad takes me there
>my dad is a disgusting person, whenever he farts, he just does it, he doesn't just respectfully hold it in until hes not near anyone
>game store is very very small, only 1 room which is only like 30 feet big
>me looking for game
>dad then decides to silently fart nonstop
>it fucking reeks
>one side of the store smells like burning shit
>I walk to other side
>he fucking follows me and explodes on the other side
>the entire goddamn building is fart infested
>cashier can smell it but doesnt say anything
>I can see the suffering and in the cashiers eyes looking at me
>i tried to hold my breath looking for the game
>I eventually couldn't find the game
>we leave empty handed
Do any of you guys have stories like this?
(21 replies)

Corona discussion for the elite

No.95318 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are your thoughts /vip/?
16 posts and 3 images omitted
(10 replies)
No.96961 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post in this thread, just to prove that you can
5 posts and 2 images omitted
(13 replies)
No.96421 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok, so I finally bought a fucking pass.
This board is one of its perks. Prove to me I didn’t waist money.
8 posts and 1 image omitted
(10 replies)
No.95479 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what board if everyone here from?

/fit/ + /tv/ for me
5 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.95313 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What if you had a deep and repressed psychological need to purchase a frilly maid outfit and live action role play as someone's indentured servant girl?
(5 replies)
No.96907 ViewReplyOriginalReport
april fools
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No.96876 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This picture is old so I forgot what I was eating but it looks like continental Africa grew antennae and Madagascar got big and started leaving lol