Threads by latest replies - Page 140

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No.71036 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Does anyone want to discuss cryptocurrencies?

There's so much shilling and shitposting on /biz/ that having a barrier to entry might inspire a better discussion.
156 posts and 23 images omitted
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Wish me Happy Birthday, I'm 50!

No.86139 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I know you're all excited to wish me happy birthday. I'm 50 today.

My advice, follow your dreams.
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No.87666 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Now that the website has finally been split, can the mods finally ban all of these fucking frogposters?
2 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.88322 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>random boards are having janitors delete every thread now
Who's fucking idea was this?
Happened in /fit/ /g/ and /r9k/
(6 replies)

Janitors and mods. It is time to do work.

No.88354 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/pol/ is being raided by anything from furfags to interracial scat porn. Please wake some of the Jannies up from their slumber to answer the reports. These threads have been reported hours ago. If I wanted to see pictures of women getting shit in their mouth, I wouldn't know where to start, but a political board would not be my first pick. Pic related.
1 post omitted
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No.88297 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Pay 20 dollars
>Have the site be even more unstable
Nice to see my money be put to good use
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No.85133 ViewReplyOriginalReport
specail day for specail boys
6 posts and 2 images omitted
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This Pass Is Already In Use By Another IP.

No.86458 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I’m happily posting away on 4chan when suddenly I get an error message that MY 4chan pass is being used by another IP?!

When I went to sign back in I got this error message:

“This Pass is already in use by another IP. Please wait 08 minutes and re-authorize by visiting this page again to change IPs.”

How the hell is the 4chan pass _I paid for_ being used by another IP?! Sent off an email but haven’t heard anything back yet.

14 posts and 2 images omitted
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No.88402 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I drew Australia on my phone; I hope you like it