Threads by latest replies - Page 126

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VPNs, 4chanPass, and Bans

No.90184 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just tried to make a post and got a notified that I needed to read a warning before posting. So I clicked that, and apparently that IP had been banned in February which expired March 9th ... yeah, that wasn't me.

I use a VPN. Now I'm paranoid. If I wake up and log in one day with a VPN IP that has a lifetime ban, 4chan will instantly link it to my 4chanPass making the pass useless. How are we supposed to combat something like that?
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/Very Important Desktops/

No.89083 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Never Upgrade Edition.
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No.89723 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.88766 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How fast (or slow) is your very important internet, /vip/?
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What's Going On With /pol/?

No.90217 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why can't I get into any threads on /pol/?

Have the kiwis shut it down?
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No.90083 ViewReplyOriginalReport
my pass will be expiring soon, i think ive got 2 months left. im not gonna renew it or post anymore. my legacy lives on but i remain anonymous. answer this, what will you be remembered for?
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No.90124 ViewReplyOriginalReport
New wave of janitors are incoming.

How do you ensure that free speech and shitposting on 4chan is protected (/b/ e.g.)
How do you ensure that discord trannies or other biased idiots are not trying to infiltrate 4chan?
How do you ensure that janitors are not causing any damage by silencing people (deleting perfectly good posts/threads)

Is there any safety measures against that? Do you check janitors for their work?
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I was shitposting last night

No.90130 ViewReplyOriginalReport
pretty edgy shet, having fun you know.

then i was logged out of 4chan pass

tried to keep logging in, getting authenticated but also was randomly getting logged out and having to CAPTCHA

is this 4chan telling me to chill out? lul.
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No.88978 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what happened to this board
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