Threads by latest replies - Page 113

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No.88854 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/vip/ is now /biz/ clay.

and bow to your true masters.
4 posts omitted
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No.88366 ViewReplyOriginalReport
welcome to a board
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No.92061 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I would like to request the creation of a board dedicated to religion and spirituality.

I know that /x/ Paranormal exists already, but that's really not the same thing. Paranormal vs Religion is like the difference between Anime and Cartoons.

I think there is enough interest in religion that it deserves its own board. People often discuss religion on /pol/ as well, when it really doesn't belong there.
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No.92040 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Most of the time I forget this board even exists.
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No.92009 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just got a 4chan pass, now what?
5 posts and 3 images omitted
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No.87639 ViewReplyOriginalReport
They finally killed it.
2 posts omitted
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rise up /vip/ers

No.91694 ViewReplyOriginalReport
we must retake the holy land