Threads by latest replies - Page 35

(30 replies)

Danganronpa (v3 Boys Edition)

No.3919154 ViewReplyOriginalReport
(potential spoilers inside!)
Show some love for the Itchy and his boy friends
25 posts and 25 images omitted
(177 replies)

Crossdressing Thread #4

No.3913297 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A thread for posting older-looking (pubescent/post-pubescent, no prepubescent shotas!) crossdressers, traps, otoko no ko, etc. Ignore, hide, and report all bait and tranny/tranny-adjacent posts. No Genshin Impact, either- we're all tired of seeing it.

OC content is generally preferred if you can dig through the X mines to find it.

Previous: >>3911845

All traps: ded

Shota traps: ded
172 posts and 148 images omitted
(150 replies)


No.3913715 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Rising from the ashes.

Previous Thread: >>3909717
145 posts and 145 images omitted
(158 replies)

transformers thread

No.3913506 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
all my robutts gone
153 posts and 146 images omitted
(40 replies)

Groening shows

No.3916470 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Futurama, Simpsons, Disenchantment

This was gonna be a futurama thread but I decided to be a bit more broad with it
35 posts and 34 images omitted
(12 replies)


No.3913075 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Basilcaca edition
Previous (ack'd) thread: >>3910456
7 posts and 5 images omitted
(30 replies)

Matsu thread

No.3913095 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Osomatsu-san and Osomatsu-kun thread
BLmatsu allowed
25 posts and 20 images omitted
(181 replies)

Elusive Samurai

No.3912860 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I don't know what the fuck just happened but every thread on /cm/ and /a/ just got deleted. Kojiro Armpits edition
176 posts and 147 images omitted
(161 replies)

Forgotten boys of the early 2010s

No.3913535 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is maybe a little loose of a thread idea, but we need to re-populate the board, and I have so much art saved from this era that I never look at or post anymore
The pre-Free! period, I guess
156 posts and 150 images omitted
(154 replies)

Splatoon Thread

No.3913269 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
149 posts and 148 images omitted