I want to keep dumping pics of the qt. previous >>3666746
To justify this thread post cute right wingers;)
Hello hello good to see you all I hope you're having a lovely day and if you're not try to think of the good things that bring you Joy or the good things that could be and will be.
Been going through a hard time in my life and been thinking about how it makes me want to shower others with affection.
A lot of you guys seem sad and I'm sorry for that, it's okay to feel hard emotions just know you always have to make room for the good ones too.
You deserve happiness, you deserve headpats~, you deserve someone holding you in their arms as you drift sound like to sleep.
If I was near you I'd give you a big hug and we could watch some anime together and get high<3
Wouldn't it be nice to go to the water park and for me to feed you at the food court<3
I bet you want someone to pamper and make you feel seen and undyingly valued.
Keep going everyone, work towards that FUTURE!!!!!!!I believe in YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!