Threads by latest replies - Page 282

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No.3665752 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Digimon thread. All the boys are welcome of course, but bonus point for T.K.
25 posts and 22 images omitted
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No.3644409 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
boys in and around water
preferably deep water, but anything is fine
please post more obscure things. As much as I love Free!, Tsuritama, Splatoon and all that, please focus more on the underwater theme than those types of things
157 posts and 148 images omitted
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/sm/ - Shotaro Complex

No.3677982 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Pokeshorts Edition.

>Previous threads:
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Evangelion Thread #269

No.3677574 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous: >>3676302
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Light Yagami was the true hero of Death Note.

No.3666614 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Considering how corrupt and criminal police officers are, with the exception of a few useful idiots at the bottom of the ranks who blindly obey orders, he may have been the true hero of the story.
There is no difference between the police and the mafia, except that one usually leaves decent people alone unlike the police who fully support sanitary dictatorships by shooting down innocent people.
Killing Light Yagami means supporting globalism and bank fueled wars(both sides of World Wars received funding of jews, before you call me a racist, ask yourself why jews are so protected in the current Western World, with people going to jail just for naming the jew).
30 posts and 9 images omitted
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Genshin Impact

No.3674790 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old: >>3670632
188 posts and 147 images omitted