Starting with the angle!
Threads by latest replies - Page 279
Previous >>3538224
post cute guys, both DC and Marvel allowed.
a very misunderstood ethical hacker doing absolutely nothing for about five minutes
/cm/ is exclusively for straight nonces, women and gays gtfo!
I assume the ones on this board who aren't repulsive fujoshis, are gay men. As in men who aren sexually attracted to other men. So why are most of the images posted here of boys, i. e. not men. Who don't really look like men eirher. What's the appeal. What's the reason.
I don't even think you guys are pedos necessarily cause pedos usually don't discrimate based on sex or gender. Children hardly have either after all. So what is your deal?
I don't even think you guys are pedos necessarily cause pedos usually don't discrimate based on sex or gender. Children hardly have either after all. So what is your deal?
previous one >>3662438
Can we have a thread for the best horror manga
Minimal Crybaby if you can
Minimal Crybaby if you can
Hetalia thread