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Luca x Alberto

No.3685444 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Luberto (Luca x Alberto)
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No.3685468 ViewReplyOriginalReport
From my Wikipedia research this is the farthest back ancestor we can confirm of Charlemagne. His dad was either this guy who comes from senatorial roman lineage or this guy who was a Frankish duke.

If we go by Arnoald's lineage the farthest back patrilineal ancestor we can confirm of his is Ferreolus, there wasn't a wiki page of him but there is of his son who was a Praetorian prefect. There is no information about his father so patrilineally it ends there. However the wife of the Prefect ancestor was apparently the niece of Emperor Avitus so if this line is true Charlemagne would have an illegitimate familial connection to a Roman Emperor.

Even with Bodegisel’s lineage, though not patrilineal there are still Roman connections as both his father and grandfather married daughters of Roman senators.

The farthest back patrilineal line of Bodegisel that is confirmable is However Munderic alleged that he was the son of the son of a Frankish king this guy which would be the end of the road at least patrilineally, as the only information about his father is that his name was Childebert. Not the Merovingian king btw this Childebert died in 509 while the Merovingian Childebert lived for another 50 years.

Something cool I just figured out, so the farthest back Charlemagne patrilineal ancestor of the Arnauld line was named Ferreolus
> ferreolus in latin means "iron"
> his sons name was Tonantius Ferreolus
> tonantius in Latin means "more thunderous"
> his name was literally “MORE THUNDEROUS IRON"
Especially badass considering he helped Aetius defend against the Hun invasion.
(190 replies)

Evangelion Thread #273

No.3684628 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous: >>3682658
185 posts and 152 images omitted
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Hijikata and samurai

No.3684150 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hijikater the cutest ever
(14 replies)

Far cry thread #1

No.3681059 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hail to the king!

Anyone tried out Pagan's dlc? I was shocked to find it was genuine peak villain fiction. From where he got his pen, to his fatherly love of Lakshmana and to his genuine heartbreak at what happened to her.
9 posts and 9 images omitted
(193 replies)

/sm/ - Shotacon

No.3682622 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Lunar New Year Edition.

Previous threads:
188 posts and 156 images omitted
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(122 replies)


No.3682051 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can we get some love for best slime?
117 posts and 86 images omitted
(177 replies)

Evangelion #272

No.3682658 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Pasawo Edition

Previous Thread: >>3681446
172 posts and 148 images omitted
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