This is an extremely specific and niche genre of art but I do have 5 images like this so I thought I might as well start a thread to see if I can get any more.
Post otaku guys, in their rooms cluttered with figures and body pillows, or just anything else that denotes being an otaku
Threads by latest replies - Page 268

324KiB, 1280x1707, tumblr_f6627248cfa699ac6344570704d66f16_d9855a04_1280.jpg
Previous incarnation
Surprised there wasn't a thread yet seeing all the good fanart the series has gotten recently.
omgg I wanna cuddle boys so badddd, I want to tounge kiss boysss kaeya please fuck mee
post pictures of hanako.
tsukasa is welcome too
tsukasa is welcome too
I am working on trade Batman collection, anything I’m missing that I should add? If so provide links to source I can get. Here are all folders so far and stuff not yet organized. Will show contents of 70s, and year one onwards
Am I the only one who watched The Incredibles and found Syndrome's henchmen attractive? There is something about a man (CGI or otherwise) wearing tight spandex that turns me on. Additionally, they are quite handsome, love the facial structure, strong jaw and 5 o'clock shadow on him, not to mention that muscular arm in skin-hugging spandex.