Threads by latest replies - Page 26

(9 replies)
No.3923965 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can anyone recommend good BL's shota manga, just finished my first one so i'd like to look into more
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(220 replies)

Shota thread

No.3928110 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fantasy shotas edition.

Previous: >>3926609
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3925527
215 posts and 147 images omitted
(52 replies)

Naruto #3

No.3913041 ViewReplyOriginalReport
site wipe edition

47 posts and 44 images omitted
(172 replies)

Brave Bang Bravern

No.3925961 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
spooky edition

previous thread >>3920368
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(154 replies)

Trap (Otoko no ko) Thread #7

No.3926437 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A thread for posting traps; shotas, teens, and adults. It's cool if there's a regular guy in the frame, so long as the trap is the focus. No women, or boobs- fake or real. Crossdressing is also acceptable, but not drag queens/ambushes. (>>3913297)

Trans/boobs/hrt/twinkdeath/3dpd posts are off topic/contrarian to the spirit of the thread and should be reported and subsequently hidden along with anyone who replies to them.

Previous thread >>3914609
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(173 replies)

Shin Megami Tensei #21

No.3913742 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Wow we need a new thread already? SMT is so popular now!
Nah, the mods fucked up:

Anything SMT besides Persona is welcome
168 posts and 148 images omitted
(164 replies)

Metaphor: ReFantazio #2

No.3927824 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's a metaphor for cute boys
last thread >>3925301
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(178 replies)

Genshin Impact

No.3924543 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Cute male Edition

old >>3922479
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(5 replies)

Dynamic Jumps

No.3925878 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone got any cool dynamic shots like Air Gear or Bubble?
(10 replies)

off to the camps with this shit

No.3929243 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Now that Trump/Vance is elected, will alphabet people finally get the T4 treatment? I'm sure they will enjoy it given their propensity towards BDSM, military, and other forms of mental/physical self-harm.

Schizos and addicts have loose mental boundaries, including for sexuality. Thus, taking all the alphabet people into the camps is just predictive policing. 4chan needs to wake up and silence schizos, addicts, (trans/fur)fags, neurodivergent/marginalized cockroaches, deviants, and mongrels instead of covertly humanizing them. They aren't human, they are parasites and pests masquerading as such.

Make 4chan great again (M4GA) to purge the Ivy+ elite scum who are vermin on this society. Trump should drain the swamp, and the alphabet Ivy+ fuckers and their DEI admits will get what's coming to them.

I support Trump, but if you support Harris, just know it was Wharton vs. Howard, and the Ivy+ scum wants you to fail. It is time for Ivy+ scum to be sent to the camps and clean up their own trash.

While their existence is neutral to slightly positive in terms of impact, and I know many based gays (e.g. Fuentes, Thiel), we must acknowledge a gay with a 6 figure job is a family man without one.

For all humanity, Trump should isolate the alphabet folk and erase them from the public, or better, facilitate their exit for everyone's sake including their own.

Useless eaters and freeloaders who do not reproduce and who harbor inferior genomes using the institutions of adoption must be dealt with swiftly. Trauma-laced parentless diseases (that are human in name only) are full of epigenetic defects and ruin the blood of America. Fredrick Brennan, crippled ex-foster child admitted he should be dead. I bet many of you are like Brennan and Fuentes. America, Korea, Japan, and Germany need true patriots who will get out of the way to make the Ubermensch. There is no place for degenerates in this world.

Glory to Trump, death to the elites, God is death, Christ is King!
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