Threads by latest replies - Page 239

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(53 replies)

Sad / Crying / Hurt boys

No.3720555 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I know not everyone likes it, but these always make me feel better when I need it
48 posts and 45 images omitted
(5 replies)
(65 replies)
No.3723962 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello. I will be maintaining this thread dedicated to Sandalphon.
Previous thread reached image limit.
60 posts and 60 images omitted
(19 replies)

recommended list

No.3721250 ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey does anyone have the /cm/ recommended reading list? I used to have it saved but lost it, and now I cannot find it
14 posts and 6 images omitted
(154 replies)

Disco Elysium

No.3696940 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Be vigilant; we love you.

Previous thread because there's too much great art of these cute men to be contained: >>3674957
149 posts and 146 images omitted
(109 replies)

Fire Emblem

No.3688386 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Preferably those not from Three Houses, but they're fine too.
104 posts and 92 images omitted
(215 replies)

Chainsaw man #19

No.3720924 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
News soon edition
Previous thread >>3698842
210 posts and 148 images omitted
(14 replies)

Fugou Keiji Balance:Unlimited

No.3727581 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just saw this for the first time, anyone have more art of this? Premise for the show is hilariously stupid, but love these boys.
9 posts and 9 images omitted
(167 replies)

Dano Characters Thread

No.3710744 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
for fanart of characters Paul Dano has played.
bonus points for fanart of Eli Sunday or Jay.
162 posts and 150 images omitted