>>3682144>>3682455You get used to it by then. Once it's long enough to stay tied up properly it gets easy. Bottom of the shoulder blade is that point in my experience. I have hair down to the middle of my back and used to have it long enough to tuck into my pockets. When you brush it, do the front and most of the sides and then lean sideways a bit so it all hangs off one side and brush it like that. Repeat on other side. Only way I found to reliably get the ends of the hair at the back. Tie it back before you drive, obviously to keep it out of your eyes but also so as to not shut the car door on some of it because that hurts. Don't get it stuck behind your back and the seat, hang it forward over your shoulder when you sit down. Especially do this when you sit down to poo, don't want it dangling in there. Putting it in the hood of a jumper if wearing one is good for this too. I keep it tied up a lot but don't lie down with it tied up or bits will snap off where the tie is. This happens anyways but it will happen much more if you fall asleep like that. Hope at least some of that helps. It is worth it, I promise. I only cut mine because I broke my hand and couldn't look after my hair properly for 4 months and I was gutted. Lovely pics by the way chaps.